Starting Over

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We're finally graduating, am happy that I won't get to see this place and all the horrible memories that came with it. Ethan had been begging me to forgive him but I chose to ignore him until he stopped. I finally felt free. "We look amazing", Bella said looking in the mirror. "Yes, we do. Now let's go before we run late", I said pulling her out of the apartment.

After getting our certificates Bella told me to join her family for dinner and I agreed. She went to change at the hotel where Tyler was staying while I went to our apartment. I was done in record time and rushed to the restaurant. I was already late and when I got there I remembered I forgot to put my lipstick on so, I rushed to the ladies' room bumping into someone on the way. 

"Would you watch where you're going?", the voice was so familiar... Sofia. My eyes met hers and she looked pissed because my half-opened lipstick smeared on her beige dress. "You ruined my dress you... pig!", the words made me tremble. "Am talking to you, are you def?", she said poking on my shoulder. I froze. It made her angrier. She shoved to a wall. The impact brought me back to reality, and before I could do anything, she slapped me. That got my attention. 

"What is wrong with you?", I asked shoving her back. "What did I ever do to you huh?", I shoved her again just in time for the restaurant security to intervene, and as usual people believed her more than me. The security carried me out of the restaurant through the back door. "She attacked me! Are those the kind of customers you welcome here? Do you know who I am?", I heard her ask the manager. 

I went back to the apartment, deciding to text Bella, telling her that I couldn't make it. It was not fair of me to ruin her celebration. She has done so much for me and she deserves all the happiness in the world. I can't believe Sofia didn't recognise me. But coming to think of it... why would she? I was just one of the victims to her. I decided to cry my sorrows away the whole night.

"Angel, are you ok?", Bella asked when she was packing her things. "Yeah am okay, I promise", i said trying hard not to cry. We were going our separate ways and it was painful to process. "Look we will be in touch and I promise that we will talk every day OK?", she said hugging me as Tyler walked in to collect her last bag. "OK, have a safe flight", I said hugging her one last time. I was staying behind to continue with my job at the store as I started hunting for a more permanent job considering the store only offered part-time jobs that had very low salaries.

☆☆One Year Later☆☆

It's been a month since I met Victor who trusted me with the human resources manager position at the Luxe Empire. He showed me kindness that no one has in a while. I applied for the job through LinkedIn and he did my interview himself. It was online but he still made me feel nervous but when he told me, he believed in my potential, I was grateful. He sent me a plane ticket in the same week. Gave me an apartment that was paid for by the company, in a blink of an eye my life took an upside-down turn and I have been working my ass off to make sure that I didn't disappoint him ever since.

Oh! The first day I arrived in the building, I was reunited with my old friend Isabella or should I say, Bella. Turns out Victor was the brother she was talking about in college. I hadn't seen her since college. A place that taught me that life was more than just education. You know what? I don't want to talk about it. 

I finished my coffee just when my assistant got in and told me the meeting room was ready. I had a session with the employees every quarter to remind them why they were part of the Luxe Empire. It was a fun session, they got to air out their frustrations and suggestions on how we can become a better team. I made sure that everyone had a sense of ownership and teamwork, we are in the hospitality industry after all.

"Angel, there is a conference that I need you to go to on my behalf", Victor told me with a smile and I knew it was one of the boring ones that he usually sends me to so that I can 'relax more'. He has been on this quest with Bella since she told him about my love life. "Why shouldn't Bella go? She is the COO", I asked knowing very well the answer I was going to get, only this time it came from the devil herself. "Because I have another meeting with him here, besides, we have had our fair share of networking, it's time for them to see new faces. You're part of the managerial team, they should know that too", she wiggled her eyebrows making Victor laugh.

The two were so close that made me wonder if the rest of the siblings were jealous of them. I have never met them but I know they have two brothers and a sister, all handling other family businesses. I admired their professionalism and how they were able to complement each other when it came to running the business. Bella believes that Victor gave her the job because she is good at it but I know it's because she is Victor's favourite sibling. She was an introvert and she hated publicity the same as Victor which made them sync well together. They loved helping people and through the umbrella of Luxe Empire, people saw it as charity from the Empire while it was just Victor and Bella giving the funds. They're weird, I know. Try working for them.

"You know what? am not going to argue with you guys. Just tell Jay to make the arrangements", they did a high five and shouted a yes. I didn't bother to remain in Victor's office to watch them celebrate.

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