Match Maker

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Sofia's POV

"Everything will be ok Sofia. I promise you", Cruz kept telling me as we were heading to Leo's office for lunch. Honestly, I don't understand why Jason would cheat on me and yet blame me for it. I've given him everything he ever wanted and yet I was repaid with a sex tape.

It's been two weeks and I'm still living with Leo. I enjoy spending time with him. He gets me and then there's Angel with her constant need to interrupt us or get his attention. She pisses me off... a lot. I don't get why it's too hard to see that Leo and I need privacy and that she's always the third wheel. I really don't get it.

She would parade her ass when we were watching TV or bring the twins when we were chilling in the backyard saying that she had to go somewhere, it was just too much. What was the nanny for? I love my niece and nephew so much but I need my space... with my brother. I remember how connected we were when Keith cheated on me. He treated me with extra care and made me feel whole again. Alexa knew to mind her business when I was around but Angel seemed dumb.

We found a bombshell outside Leo's office. She introduced herself to me as Felicia then welcomed us into Leo's office. "Where did she come from?", I asked curiously when she walked out after offering us drinks. "The one that got away", Cruz said making me raise a brow. "Fine! Sheesh... she's the one Leo was about to run away with the day he found out Keith cheated on you", he explained giving me an Anhaa moment. "She's pretty", i said turning to my phone. Leo joined us ten minutes later.

Leo loved Felicia, he told me that she made him feel alive and it was the happiest I've ever seen him. She always prioritised me when they were having an affair so an idea came to mind. It was time to take Angel out of the picture and put someone who understood when to back off.

"Sofia? Are you ok?", Leo asked making me smile. "Yeah, sorry... I zoned out. Is that 'the Felicia'?", I asked and saw his ears turn red, he was blushing. Perfect. He still had feelings for her. "Yeah. Dad gave her a job and you know her situation so I couldn't fire her", he explained and I smiled even more. We went ahead and ordered food.

We returned to Leo's home. And found Angel returning from work as well. She looked exhausted making me wonder what The Luxe did to her. "Hey wife", Leo said pulling her in a kiss. Honestly, my brother didn't look happy. But that was something I was going to fix so no worries there. "Hey husband, how was your day?", she asked. "Good, now that I've seen you", he said and she smiled. "What about you, Sofia", she said with a smile making me fake mine. "I'm ok. I just need to lay down for a bit", I said and she nodded making me walk to my room.

The first thing I did was arrange a lunch date with Felicia then took a bath and slept.

"Thank you for meeting me. I've heard so much about you", I said making Felicia smile. It was a weekend so perfect for not raising suspicion. "Me too. I know Leo is quite fond of you. I wish my siblings and I had the same bond. It's very nice", she said looking nervous. "Thank you. You know that you're the only woman who made him feel alive right? Like ever!", I said and her face lit up. "You still love him don't you?", I asked and she was red as a tomato. "What if I tell you he loves you too?", I asked making her look at me with curiosity. "No way... he's in love with his wife", she said in a rush. "Trust me, I know my brother and he loves you. I have seen the way he behaves when he's at work and home, let me tell ya! He's always excited to come to the office and I'm willing to bet that his excitement has nothing to do with his fancy office", I said and saw something come alive on her face. "Do you think I still have a chance with him?", she finally asked making me smile. "Absolutely Felicia. You're his true love", I insisted making her smile even bigger.

I returned to Leo's home and found Mum and Dad playing with their grandkids with Leo nowhere to be seen. I went to the kitchen to order a maid to make some salad for me when I found Leo standing between Angel's legs eating her face. "Eeewww. Do you mind?", I said making them pull away. Angel looked embarrassed but Leo didn't give the rat's ass. Men always had to be told what to do. It was obvious that she tricked him by offering him sex all the time. He was so blinded by her smile and sweet words to see that she was using him. "Where have you been?", Leo asked making Angel glare at him. "What? I'm her brother, I'm entitled to know her whereabouts", he said with a smirk. "She's not a child. Let her be baby", she said then walked out of the kitchen. "You would tell me if anything was wrong right?", he asked sweetly making me nod and go to the backyard to look for the maids.

I went to say hi to Mum and Dad then went to bed. I hoped and prayed that Felicia would follow the plan we talked about. I wanted my brother back and she was going to return him to me in return, get her boyfriend back or should I say the love of her life back.

It was a beautiful day. Perfect for visiting Leo and checking in on Felicia. When I arrived at the Specter Worldwide HQ, I found Felicia buried in paperwork making me smile. She looked sexy and professional. "Have you talked to him yet?", I asked startling her. "No, we have an emergency business trip that I have to accompany him to. I think that will be a better opportunity. It's for three days so we will have plenty of time alone", she said looking excited. "Perfect, remember what I told you, always suggest and let him react thinking it was his idea", I said then walked away.

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