Chapter 45 - Intercom

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"Did you find out who it was?" Soo-ah demanded as she leaned over the bathroom sink, reapplying mascara after the incident this morning. 

"I didn't have the time." Jugyeong rolled her eyes after spotting the two pairs of shoes under the stall. 

Soo-ah furrowed her eyebrows before spinning around. "Excuse me?"

Taking a step towards Jugyeong, Soo-ah crossed her arms in disbelief. 

"You didn't have the time?" 

"Yes I'm glad your ears work." Jugyeong replied now feeling brave knowing that there were two girls hiding in the stalls behind her that had her back if things got escalated. 

Making sure that her phone was pointed at Soo-ah, Jugyeong replied, "seems like the water did come out of those ears after all." 

"What is your problem? You really want me to release those photos after all huh?" Soo-ah threatened trapping Jugyeong in the corner. 

"What photos?" Areum asked opening the stall cheerfully while Soo-jin followed her out. 

"Oh, what are you guys doing here?" Soo-ah asked confused after being startled by their voices. 

"Making sure that you enjoyed your little shower earlier," Soo-jin smirked at her old friend, who was now putting pieces together seeing that Jugyeong walked over to their side. 

"It was you. You set me up." She snarled pointing a finger at Soo-jin. 

"Oh come on it was my idea! Give me some credit," Areum rolled her eyes playfully.


Expressions of confusion were widespread on the faces of Saebom High students as voices appeared on the intercom. 

"Are you insane? Why would you do that to me?" 

"Don't act so innocent Soo-ah." 

"Oh so Jugyeong ratted me out huh?" Soo-ah huffed as she got caught and was now trapped.

"Why'd you do it?" Areum asked softly, not sure if she's fully moved on past the betrayal from someone she loved. 

"Don't act stupid as if this was all on me." Soo-ah rolled her eyes. 

"No actually tell us you dumb bitch, it's literally why she asked." Soo-jin flat out stated.

Soo-ah let out a sigh before replying, knowing that they would not let her leave that bathroom without an explanation, "You really think I wouldn't begin to despise you guys after the two of you always excluded me from everything?" 

"What do you mean?" Areum asked confused knowing that she did constantly invite Soo-ah to all of her plans when she could. 

"You know what I mean. I was excluded from everything. The secrets, the sleepovers, everything. Perfect Cha Areum and Kang Soo-jin with their stupid perfect boyfriends. Well guess what? Not everyone's going to love you. In fact I hate all of you!" 

"You can hate us, but why drag Jugyeong into this?" 

"Because she's stupid! Easy to order around and I wouldn't have to do anything directly."

Gasps were heard throughout the hallways as Soo-ah's confession echoed from the intercom. Students began whispering to each other, taking sides on whose in the right and wrong, while Seo-jun and Suho looked at each other. The two of boys sent each other a message through eye contact before sprinting off towards the bathrooms. 

"Oh and look here! Stupid prince charmings to the resc-" Soo-ah started sarcastically before she heard her own voice on the intercom. 

Looking back at the three other girls her eye widen as she spotted the phone on recording, and possibly connected to the intercom speaker during their conversation. 

"What have you done," Soo-ah gasped in shock as the students began to crowd the group. She sprinted out the door and attempted to make her way through the crowd. 

"Soo-ah are you jealous?"

"Why would you do that?"

"Do you feel good about yourself now traitor?" 

"Good for you! Those snobs deserved it!"

"Are you okay?" Suho immediately questioned as he ran over to Areum, making sure that Soo-ah didn't land a hand on her during the tension filled conversation. 

"I'm fine. At least I know now." Areum replied while looking over to Jugyeong to make sure she was okay too. 

"I should've smacked her oh my god," Soo-jin puffed while Seo-jun nodded in encouragement. 

"Should've beat her ass for her stupid reasoning too," Seo-jun continued while wrapping an arm around Soo-jin and escorting her out the bathroom. 

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