Chapter 2: the nee team

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Here I am again with a new chapter-I
am curious what you say and look forward to any feedback.


In training she showed everyone what she was capable of and even Hondo was enthusiastic about her work. He had been afraid at the beginning that a 2nd woman would split the team a bit. But the experience Emma would bring with her would still benefit them all.
"Very good Foster" he hit with her.
"Thank you," she smiled briefly.
" okay, let's take a break. Who's cooking?" laughed Hondo.
"It's good, I'll do that," Emma said and disappeared inwards.
"and what do you think" the team leader wanted to know from his team.
"she's really crass" it came straight from Street.
"For a woman, she really has something on it," Chris replied. She was totally enthusiastic about her new partner.
"I really have to agree with Chris. She seems to have seen a lot," Deacon remarks. Lucas
and Ten also nodded.
"yes, I think it suits us," he grinned. ", and if she also cooks voluntarily", he grinned and went in with the others. He took a close look at Deacon today. It had now been 7 months since he had lost his wife to this tumor. And he realized every day how tired Deacon was. Each time he told him to take a break, but Deacon couldn't, he just didn't have the money. He had to feed his family and the burst pipe had spent all his reserves. Hondo knew about his financial bottleneck, but Deacon didn't want the team's help. But Hondo had to do something, because otherwise his colleague would fall more and more into the dark hole and he had to prevent that. He also had a little idea how to get started. He immediately went to Jessica and asked her for permission. She was immediately enthusiastic and wanted to be there herself. Now he just had to hope that his team saw it that way,

Emma had already cooked in the meantime. She had always had to do it in Chicago, as a woman. That's why it was a surprise for them today that they had been asked at all.
"Thank you for taking the work off my hands. I had totally forgotten, it would have been my turn today," David Kay entered the kitchen. Frightened, Emma turned to him.
Deacon sat down with her at the kitchenette.
"I was rather surprised that I didn't have to do it"
" Why. We always take turns. Everyone has a certain day," he explained and then looked questioningly.
" in Chicago, the woman always had to cook. After all, it's women's work," she just shrugged her shoulders.
"What a shit that is. So here it won't be like that. We always have our firm plan. And on Wednesdays it's always my turn. But..."
" no problem. I liked doing it. And you also deserve a break. Jessica told me that your wife died recently. I'm very sorry for that, even if we don't really know each other yet. But if you ever need help or something, I'll be happy to help," she said, smiling at him. She knew what it was like to be alone with your problems and as a single father and widower it had to be terrible. She wanted to help him.
" Thank you, that's nice. I'm already clear," he thanked and was then right back in her thoughts, so she left it at that and continued to cook. Just in time for noon, the others came in and all sat down together.

"People I thought about something," Hondo began the conversation. Everyone watched them.
" We did our team weekends regularly; I think it would be time to do it again. What would you think if we went camping? With our partners or children "
we are there or" Lucas asked his roommate.
"Sure, that's just So right, after the breakup," he grumbled, then he looked stealthily at Chris. He had separated from Molly 2 weeks ago. He just couldn't suppress his feelings for Chris anymore.
" With pleasure. you can get to know each other better," Emma immediately agreed. After 4 hours, she felt more comfortable here than ever in her team in Chicago.
"I'll come with me too," Jessica grinned and sat down with a plate next to Hondo. Emma noticed that the two got along very well and that Jessica looked at the team leader differently. She would have to talk to her.
" I'm talking to Bonnie, but I'm sure "
I'll come along too, but alone. I think I need something like that right now," Chris also accepted the offer.
"What's going on?" asked Deacon.
"Oh, I notice more and more how I am the 3rd wheel after all," she openly admitted. But she preferred to keep what she was still busy to herself.
" The children have been wanting to go camping again for a long time. I think it will do them good," Deacon also said. Now Hondo was satisfied.
" Good. As always, I make a list of what we need and then we can split things up" Everyone nodded and started eating.
"Boah Hammer" commented on Street first and looked at Emma. She looked astonished at her new colleague.
"that's really good" now also came from the others.
"Thank you," she smiled shyly. She wasn't used to it. In Chicago, she had never received praise for cooking. It was normal for her to cook. It was criticized rather than praised. Hondo noticed that there was something in the bush, but he wanted to let her arrive first. Maybe it was just the change. But his feeling told him otherwise.
After everyone emptied their plates, Hondo gave them an hour to themselves before they would practice again in the weight room.

Together with Street and Chris, Emma had washed up and talked a little.
"and are you happy to be back here in L.A?" Street wanted to know.
"yes, it was always my home. My parents now live in Santa Barbara. I will be able to visit them more often now. I was away for almost 8 years now, but I always wanted to go back to L.A. But it was very good to gain experience"
"And do you have a boyfriend?" Chris wanted to know with a grin.
" No. There used to be a man in Chicago, but that's been over for a long time. He was in the fire department. But it didn't work out. Too much happens,
" oh, I'm sorry."
" all good. We are still good friends," she smiled. That's all they needed to know. She didn't want to think about the last two years anymore. If she hadn't had Hailey and Jay, she probably would have gone down. But unfortunately, neither had been able to help her. Therefore, this was the new way and at some point these images and this time would disappear.
Just as Jim was putting away the last plate, her cell phones rang.

" well then go. Let's go to your first mission," Chris shouted and everyone ran to Betty.
" well, listen. 4 students have entrenched themselves in a class with their class teacher and the class, they threaten to shoot everyone if the principal does not lift the suspension. The school has about 700 students. The officers on site are already in the process of evacuating. Street, Chris, Lucas; Ten you help to evacuate the students and we try to get an overview" Everyone nodded. After 5 minutes they were there. Everyone jumped out with their guns and knew what to do.
"I try to make contact, you look at how many students are in the class and where exactly they sit"
Deacon and Emma ran right in. The classroom was on the first floor. Arriving at the door, Deacon took the small cable with the camera and led it right under the door. They immediately saw what the situation was.
" okay. 2 windows. The children are all sitting on the floor in front of the windows. They saw 3 perpetrators sitting in the front and aiming at the students and the teacher. Through the door they heard Hondo talking to them. But that was not enough for them. Deacon noticed that the students were standing completely beside themselves. They were not masters of their senses.
"I think they're totally too drunk" At that moment, Hondo also came. The two explained the situation.
"Okay, then we storm. We put tear gas in and then we storm. 3 perpetrators and then immediately out with the students."

Both nodded and already Hondo showed that it started. Hondo stormed the door, Emma was the gas in. Immediately they had overwhelmed 3 of the perpetrators. Emma was about to take the first student when she saw another weapon aimed at Deacon.
"Deac" she shouted and jumped up to him and dragged him down with her. At this moment, Hondo also reacts, pulled out his gun and shot the new perpetrator in the arm. He rushed towards him and handcuffed him.
"Emma, Deacon", he shouted at them.

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