Chapter7: Bombing 2

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"Cortez, we need to know who we're dealing with?" the team leader shouted over his shoulder. She nodded and ran into the truck. She had to find out as quickly as possible who these perpetrators were.
"He's still in there," a young woman ran out.
"Okay, is it just one?" Deacon wanted to know from her.
"yes, but he took the librarian"
" okay, run behind the barrier"
Ten, Foster, Street, you get people out of here and look for more explosives. Deacon, Chris, Luca with me. We have to find the perpetrator and the hostage before she is dead" Immediately everyone got to work.
Ten, Emma and Jim scoured every single row of shelves and got people out. Only the little girl, who was trapped under a shelf. Then it cried out.
"Help, here is a clock" immediately they ran. Ten and Foster lifted the shelf, Street grabbed the girl, then she banged again, but not as violently as others.
"Are you okay" Deacon's voice could be heard over the radio.
"Yes, all good" Said Street stood up and took the girl out.
"We all have" Foster said by radio, then Cortez came along.
"I think we have a problem. I was able to summarize the perpetrators. There must be 4. 4 friends, they got together with hair because they had always been teased, they were stupid and they would never make it to anything. In the hospital, everyone was born. Here they always studied, they were also at the same school.

"Crap, we have to get there right away
" Yes, but all the teams are still in action," Cortez said.
"No, we're done. Let's go there, maybe we can prevent the worst.
"Well, here they take my car. We will comply as quickly as possible. Immediately the 3 ran to the car and made their way to school. The worst would certainly happen, because in such an attack the school was always the main goal, the others should possibly only distract. Street flew through the streets and within 5 minutes they had arrived at the school. On the way, Emma had already informed the management and they were about to start the evacuation.
"well then go" The first students came already running and were brought to safety by the patrol police and then it crashed for the first time.
"Crap" shouted Foster.
And then another saying came through the speakers.
"Today you will regret calling us stupid"
Captain, we urgently need support," Foster said over the radio.
"We're on our way," she heard Hondo.
The 3 SWAT officers helped the students at the entrance so that they did not injure themselves there. Then shots were fired.

"Damn," shouted Ten.
"We have to get in there." Also gave Street of himself.
"Yes, but we have to wait for the others" Emma was the longest-serving member of this group and thus had the say. Luckily, the rest of the group arrived at that moment and Mumford's troupe arrived on the scene. Emma briefly explained what had happened. Okay, we go in groups of 2.
"Street, Chris" you go all the way to the top, let her out over the fire escape.
" Ten, Decon, Luca, you take the first floor and we both take the ground floor. And off you go" everyone was already on their way.
Hondo and Emma crept through the hallways and opened one door at a time. They immediately took the students away by standing in front of them as a protective wall. At the entrance, patrol officers stood for security.

Suddenly it popped again and Hondo and Emma flew to the ground.
"are you okay" he wanted to know.
" Yes, all good. We have to go there, there will be many injured" immediately they ran off. The classroom looked terrible.
"We need support. About 10 injured and 5 dead," Hondo said over the radio when they suddenly heard gunshots again.
" You help to get her out Emma. I'm looking for the perpetrators" Emma nodded, then she devoted herself to the injured. Of the 10 injured, 6 were still able to walk.
" I'm going to the front. You stay close behind me," she explained what they would do now. She quickly rushed through the hallway with the slightly injured when Deacon, Luca and Ten joined her.
" the first floor is empty. No perpetrators seen"
" Okay. In the last class at the back, there are still 4 seriously injured and 5 dead "
okay, let's get the injured" Deacon pretended and everyone got back to work. Again and again shots were fired and more and more students came running from the 2nd floor.
"We need support. The perpetrators are on the 2nd floor. And there are a lot of classrooms here," Chris said over the radio.
"How far down are you?" asked Hondo over the radio.
" 2 more injured"
" Okay, everyone else up. I come up the west wing"
"Okay" Ten and Emma ran upstairs and helped the students who were on the stairs.

Once at the top, they already saw Street and Chris.
The two were in the process of evacuating the classrooms on the right.
Ten and Emma started on the left.
The first door was already locked.
"LAPD SWAT, open it up," Emma shouted, knowing from Street and Chris that the last shots were coming out of the back of the hallway. Where Luca, Deacon and Hondo were right now.
"How shall we know?" cried one girl.
" Because it is. Please, you have to get out of here quickly, otherwise I can't help you anymore."
" but.."
"What's your name?"
" Mia. Well Mia, I'm from SWAT and have my colleagues here. I promise you, I'll take you away from here. But please open the door" It took a few seconds, then the key was turned and the door opened slowly. Emma immediately stood by the door as protection.
" Okay, and now quickly short stairs and down. But don't shove. We'll get you all out of here, but you have to work together. At the stairs there are policemen who help you. And let's go."
When the last student had left the class, they continued. There were still 3 classes, then all the students would be out. Unfortunately, they still hadn't found the perpetrators. Shots had not been fired. Hondo and Deacon were on their way downstairs with injured people. Street, Luca and Chris were clearing the last room on their side when the door flew open and shots were fired. Immediately, Street and Chris locked themselves in with their class.
Ten and Emma quickly got behind a shelf.

"When they get closer, everyone here is dead," shouted one of the perpetrators. He stopped in the door. You didn't have a clear view. So it would be very difficult to turn him off.
"Let the hostages go. They don't bring them anything," Emma tried.
" no, you are my insurance to the outside. I won't let any go. And if I'm not allowed to get out of here in 5 minutes, then I'll kill the first one," he shouted.
"Okay Dylan" Emma knew Cortez's name, she had given it over the radio.
"How about I come to you and you let the students all go. You have more from a police officer than from a few students," she made him the offer. Ten shook her head, but Emma knew that was the only option. She didn't get an answer right away.
"Okay, come on. But I want to see her hands and they don't have a gun anymore, otherwise she's dead"
yes, wait" she disarmed herself and put away everything the guys didn't want to see. Luckily, she had a camera in her vest that you couldn't see.
"I'm coming now" Hondo had given his okay. He knew that this was their only option at the moment.
She stood in front of the door with her hands raised.
"Come in" she was torn inwards.

"Okay, I'm here. Release the students, including the injured" One of the guys nodded.
"My colleagues are outside. They help you" then the students ran out and took the two injured with them. The last one wasn't outside yet, so dylan closed the door again.
"Now we're going to have fun," he grinned and let down the blinds of the windows.

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