Chapter 38: The trial

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slowly but surely the path of Emma and Deacon is coming to an end. Both have been through a lot.
So, now comes the negotiation.

Have fun.


"Me, but do you think?" she was totally surprised, which in turn made him laugh.
"Yes, I'm serious. Emma, the two of us have achieved so much together in recent months. My children love you, I love you. What we have already experienced together has only made us stronger together. I want that with us. I want you to lie next to me in the morning. I want everyday life with you and the children," he whispered softly and kissed them.
She was overwhelmed. Their happiness hormones just jumped over.
"yes, I do", she grinned and he kissed her again and her passion was back. All night long they lay in front of the fireplace and gave themselves to their love.
In the morning they were still cuddled together in the living room when they suddenly heard a giggle. Totally sleepy, the two opened their eyes. Emma was a bit frightened at first, but when Deacon pulled her even tighter, she was totally calm again.
"Tomorrow you sweeteners," he said with a grin.
"Hello Dad," they laughed.
"Dad, you and Emma, are you like you and mom always?" Lila wanted to know.
Emma du Deacon looked at each other.
"Come here" Smiled Emma and the 3 sat down with them. Little Sam sat on Deacon Castle and the other two between them.
" Dad likes Emma very much and Emma likes Dad too. We would like to be together if you agree"
Immediately everyone nodded and Lila snuggled up to Emma.
"But I don't want to replace your mom. I am always there for you when you need me. But your mom remains your mom. And you can always talk to me about her if you want to," she smiled at the children. Deacon looked at her, if he hadn't been in love already, then at least now.
"Do you come here every day now?" Sam wanted to know. Deacon grinned and looked into the round.
"No, if you want, Then Emma moves with us into this beautiful house"
" ohja. Then we have everything around us that we need. Dad, the photos of mom, Emma, our friends, the school and nanny is also fast with us and doesn't have to drive so long anymore" Matthew was totally thrilled.
" Exactly. So and now dress. Nanny is coming soon and we have to go to work," Emma tickled the children. So a pillow fight arose before they really got ready. The children now had 2 days of vacation, then the school would start again.
Together they drove to the HQ. Both got out and he came up to her and kissed her passionately.
"No" suddenly came voices from all sides. The two broke away and looked into the grinning faces of their colleagues. Emma put her head on his shoulder and smiled.
"I'm happy for you", Hondo approached her and slapped Deacon on the shoulder,
"I really deserve both of them," Jessica now came and took Emma in her arms.
"I am happy for you. I want to hear all the details," she whispered in his ear. Emma just nodded with a grin. The others also congratulated them. Together they went into the HQ. Both had talked on the way here to tell Hicks immediately.

Now both were standing in front of the door and just wanted to put it behind them, which fortunately went pretty fast. He was happy for both of them, but also made it clear to them what was at stake. Deacon had spoken to Hicks about the children. And they had decided that Deacon would no longer work weekends. The team also agreed and wanted to support him so that the children would stay with him.

In the next few days, Emma had packed up her things, rented out her apartment and moved in with Deacon. She didn't want to sell the apartment right away. The Youth Welfare Office had also been there. They had been a bit confused that Anni's sister had turned them on, because everything they found was great. Deacon had told them the truth, with the old house. And also that he would no longer do weekend service. And that was quite well received by the youth welfare office, the honesty. They saw no reason why the children should not stay with him. But a judge would make the decision. But the youth welfare office would not say bad.

After 2 weeks, the day had come when the process began. Emma was quite nervous, she hadn't eaten properly for days. She was just scared and she didn't want to experience the whole thing again, but she wouldn't get past it. In order to put her behind bars, she had to tell everyone everything that had happened to her.
Deacon had let her sleep longer today because she had fallen asleep late. In the morning, the friends had gathered with the couple, they wanted to show Emma that they were behind her and that they would be able to do it together. They would fly to Chicago with them.

When Emma came out of the bedroom totally sleepy, she was visibly amazed when she saw everyone in the living room.
"Hey, what are you all doing here?" she asked the group. The girls were already approaching her.
" to assist you. We will not let you out of sight tomorrow. We get through this together, you are not alone, you hear. We're here. Always" Jessica said lovingly before Emma found herself in a hug with the girls. They quickly got ready, because slowly it was time to drive to the airport, emma couldn't think of eating anyway. The flight went very well again, as it did last time. They checked in again and Emma showed the others the city. But with the thoughts she was not really there. That's why she didn't want to go to Mollys in the evening. She just wanted to sleep.
In the morning she was also totally hibbelig and she was bad. The closer they got, the more anxious she became. She was afraid to meet her again. She didn't want to see him. She just wanted to look ahead.

In front of the court, they climbed on the car. Deacon immediately took his girlfriend in his arms. Before they wanted to enter the building, some suddenly approached them. Emma was totally overwhelmed. In front of them stood Kelly, Stella, Sylvie, Matt, Kim, Adam, Hailey and Jay. They hugged her.
"We're all there" then she went inside the building. At the said room, they stopped and waited for them to be allowed to enter. Emma had clawed more and more on Deacon so that the fear could not take over too much.

When the door was opened and they were asked inside, he looked firmly at his girlfriend.
" Darling, we will make it together, but if they are to be behind bars for a long time, then you have to tell them everything. I know how bad it is, but I'm with you, just like all our friends." He kissed them gently again before they sat down in the courtroom.
All together they sat down in the front row. Jessica had also sat down next to Emma and held her hand. The two were really like best friends. Also with Chris, who also supported her.

When the judge came in, everyone stood up, then the door opened again and the guys were brought in by the police. When she saw the guys, everything immediately came back up. The judge opened the hearing and the criminal complaint was first read aloud. First of all, she was called to the show booth. With shaky legs and a tremor, she got up and went to the witness stand.
"Would you please tell us what you did to you?" your own lawyer began the hearing.

Her first glance immediately fell to her old boss, who made her understand with his gaze that it would be better if she kept her mouth shut. Then she looked over to her joys, when moment she realized she would make it, along with her great love and friends. Here she had the chance for a new life, so she finally had to leave this thing behind.
She began to tell the judge everything.
"Well, they can now take a seat again." The judge dismissed her. Still very weak, she went back to the others and sat down again.
Little by little, everyone was called to the witness stand, Kelly, Jay, Hailey, Chris, Jessica had to tell what they knew
"Now we call David Kay to the witness stand"

He got up and went to the witness stand. He was just about to report what he knew and how he had perceived the last few months. Everyone was fully focused on his statement when suddenly someone went to the ground. Now everyone was staring in the direction of the blow. A policeman was lying on the ground and the old team leader had now picked up the weapon. He pointed her at Emma.
"you lousy piece of shit won't ruin my life. I'm far from done with you." Then a shot was fired.

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