Chapter 5

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I don't know how Harry convinced me to do that with him. I said yes to he's crazy idea and now we are in a car driving to somewhere I don't even know. He booked the hotel rooms, he said everything is under control but I don't really believe him. Our first stop will be France and I'm glad that the Eurotunnel exists. We are going to be in France in a few moments and I'm so excited that I actually left the country. I was looking out of the car the whole ride like a little kid who starts to understand the outside world a little better. I said to Harry that i can actually drive for a little bit but he didn't want me to do it. He said that it calms him and i choose to believe him. 

Harry and I are closer than before. We spend a lot of our time together without doing a lot of things. We simply sit on the couch and we are watching movies and tv series. Documentaries are our best friends this week. We have watched a lot of true crime, nature and biographical documentaries and then we discuss them. We both enjoy staying in, me because i am a homebody and him because he's life is being watched all the time and he's only safe space is his home. 

"What's on your mind?" I hear Harry ask me. I look at him and I smile. I like the sound of his voice when he is talking to me. He talks slowly like he's afraid that i am going to break into pieces if he talks a little louder than expected. 

"It is my first time going abroad in a lot of years. The last time i went abroad was the year that Jezebel was publised and i had to go to New York." 

"How many years ago was that?"

"I think 5." I take a second to think the last time I went to New York. "Yes it was 5 years ago."

"And why didn't you travel again?"

"I have anxiety. I don't like the thought of changing environment very often."

"But I met you in a place other than your home and now we are going to a trip in Europe."

"I know. My therapist said it was a good idea to go to that village. But now I really wanted to come with you Harry. You make me feel at peace."

"You make me feel at peace too Eloise. I really trust you."

"I trust you too. And to let you know, I have written about 10 poems since we met."

"Wow." He looks at me surprised. "That's a lot."

"They are if you lived in the void I used to live."

"So your creativity is back."

"Not at its fullest but we are going there."

"How is yours?" I asks him. I know that his deadline is much closer than mine and I can't even think how anxious he is right now.

"Not at my best moment but I'm going there too."

"I really want to help you but I don't know how."

"You help me in ways that you will never understand to."

For the rest of the ride to Paris we just sang our favorite songs and we are looking outside to enjoy the views that a different country was giving us.

"You know, one day I hope that I can go to Greece." I say to him when Lay all your love on me stops playing.

"To live your Mamma Mia dream?"

"Yes, but no."

"Explain please." he say to me about the response I have given.

"I really like the myths, the history and everything that surrounds this country. I really live and breathe the color Blue and I hope that I can see one day how the sea is blending with the sky so gracefully. Greece was a dream to me by the time I watched Hercules as a child. I want to go to the Parthenon, to Acropolis, to everywhere. Other people have as a dream to go to America, to go to Disneyland but I said to myself fuck all of that just learn history, just learn something that you are going to be passionate about as a kid. And I'm standing here, as an adult, with an unfulfilled dream."

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