Chapter 18

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Merry Christmas everybody 

We are at Anne's house two days now. Tomorrow it is Christmas but Harry has been spoiling me ever since i told him that i haven't had a good Christmas experience since i was 7. Anne is so happy for having us here with her. She tells us to stay more and i think that we will. Harry misses his mother a lot and i think that we are able to stay a little longer to be here for New Year's as well. 

Jagger loves being here. He knows the cats and he is best of friends with them. They seem to like them too. They often sleep together and they play with the same toys. They don't have as much energy as Jagger and he seems to understand that. My clever boy. He is eating too much too, making Harry and Anne always fight about that. Harry wants his dog to eat healthy but Anne secretly feeds him a little more. He is going to be so spoiled by the end of our stay here. 

Gemma and her fiancé will be here later this afternoon and my siblings will come first thing in the morning. They are going to stay here tomorrow night, as Anne insisted to. How she managed to make Mike agree with that, nobody knows. This woman has super powers. 

Harry is outside for a run while i pet one the cats. I tried to get their names but every time i say the wrong one making Harry laugh so i simply stopped trying. 

Yesterday, Harry took me to all his favorite places. The small town greeted him smiling and i am really happy seeing him so free being himself in public. Nobody minded him, nobody looked at us weird as we walked past them, but all of them greeted him and asked us how we were. The people here are the best. He took me to the so called bakery he used to work. He tends to say that it was his only real job and after that he works part time, as he isn't the most hardworking person that i know. He showed me where he had his first kiss, his old school and i even met some of his friends from here. He keeps in touch with them still and i am falling deeper and deeper in love seeing him being that free. Here, he is feeling like Harry, in Los Angeles he is Harry Styles. And as much as he doesn't like to agree with that, i know that his mother's house is his safe place. He says that Italy is, but i think that i know better. He is going to agree with me eventually. 

"What are you thinking about? You put Evie to sleep."

"I am thinking about how happy we are here. I like it." 

"I like it here too. Everything is much better than America or even London sometimes." 

"So, you admit that this house is your safe place." 

"Here we go again, no it isn't." 

"It isn't bad you know to admit the truth." He mocks me and then goes straight into the kitchen to help his mother. I put Evie, i think, next to me and i go to the kitchen as well. I want to help too. 

"Eloise, sit down darling." 

"I want to help." 

"You don't have to. Harry said that he is going to help me. Do you want a cup of tea?"

"I do, yes." The atmosphere in this house is so good. It is cold outside and i think that it is going to snow soon. 

Anne and I drink our tea while Harry is cooking the dinner. He sings all the Christmas songs the radio is playing and even dances with Jagger from time to time. He is really happy here and i can see it. Everybody can see it. 


Gemma and Michal came a little after 5 o clock. Anne is so happy to finally have her kids in her home. I got to know Michal too and i can really see how in love he is with Gemma. They are so lucky they have each other in their lives. Michal is a great guy, a person you can have long conversations with. We ate dinner and then we sat on the living room. Anne wanted to show me some of Harry's childhood photographs. Everyone of them had a story behind them that made us laugh and Harry hid his head either on my neck or behind a pillow. And that's what we are doing right now.

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