Chapter 21

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أHello loves, hope you are well. Don't forget to vote. 

Sexual content ahead, have fun <3

I was online all day yesterday. Gemma's episode of good influence came out and I had to see the reactions everyone had. Twitter loves me for some reason. They talk about my book with so much love and they are writing about how much they relate to some things I told at the podcast. They even like the dynamic Gemma and I have. A few of Harry's fans comment on the podcast too. They are talking about how much Harry and I are alike and we could be great friends. I know that when they learn about our relationship they will hate me but I like the love I'm receiving right now. Some of them have a conspiracy that Harry and I know each other because I went to a couple of his concerts and now at his sister's podcast. But others tell them to stop being delusional and that I am a famous woman on my own. 

My book is so loved. I see a lot poems on Instagram and even Tumblr. Tumblr loves me more than any other website. People write whole explanations about a phrase or a poem I wrote and how that explains a situation the best way possible. My secret account there is just filled with likes on these posts. A few of my reblogs are from Harry's concerts and life as well. 

Today is Harry's birthday. He is turning 28 today. I'm so excited that we get to spend his birthday together. When I was turning 28, he was half the world away but now he just sleeps besides me in my bed. It's the first birthday we will spend together and I'm really happy. 

I organised a whole party for him. Mitch, Jeff and I organised it actually. We did it with as much secrecy we could because he is with one of us all the time. Harry deserves a party with the people he loves because of how hectic his life is these months. Everything happens so fast and he can't get a moment to appreciate himself. We spend so much time texting about how to find the perfect restaurant, the perfect music and the perfect guests for Harry to have a great time. 

When we talked about his birthday a few days ago, he told me that he doesn't want to do anything big and he just wants to spend it with me and Jagger. But I know that he will appreciate it. He doesn't have the time to see all his friends and I know that seeing them together at the party will be good. 

Harry and I are closer than ever. Christmas was a great time. I know that someday soon I will have to leave my apartment and move in with him. We spend all of our free time together and I know that Jagger deep down is confused about the constantly moving between his house and my house. Maybe I will ask him to move in with me. I feel my apartment more like home that he feels his house so I bet he will like this idea. 

"Good morning my sweet girl." I feel him move and then he wraps his hands around me. 

"Good morning birthday boy. Happy birthday, my love. Sweet 28. They will treat you so good, I know." 

"Thank you, love." He kisses me and then continues. "I'm getting old." He whines. 

"I'm older than you." I tell him giggling. 

"But you don't look a day older than 24. On the other hand I'm getting bold." 

"I will love you even if you are hairless." 

"You will?"

"Yes, darling." I give him the confirmation he needs. "Now, get up. I ordered breakfast. We have to eat and then take Jagger for his morning walk."

"You don't have to treat me different because it's my birthday you know."

"I know darling, but I want to. I want you to have the best memories for your first birthday with me." 

"I will. And I'm so sad that I didn't get to spend your birthday with you." 

"You have to be away, don't think about it. I literally forgot it when I saw your gifts."

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