Chapter 9

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The next day i go to Los Angeles. Harry and his team left early in the morning without saying goodbye. It was quite unusual but i can excuse him. He doesn't know that we don't sleep enough. My sister came to LA with me. We will spend 3 days there and then we will be back to London. I am really looking forward to be back to my house.

Our hotel room is small because we don't want to spend a lot of money in a room that we will not even see that much. As much as i want to stay inside and read my book in the comfort of that little room, my sister is a kind of explorer. Maybe she have to dress up as Dora at Harryween. Harry made her promise that she will be there with me in New York for that event. He even made her promise him to bring for the second night as well. He said that after the second night he is going to throw a party at Jeff's place so he will get on my nerves. I hate him so much at times. 

Los Angeles is so pretty. Prettier that i remembered from the last time i was here. Everyone here is somehow happy. It is so different from me. I want to live here but i know that i am not build to be here for a lifetime. London will forever be my home. 

"Eloise, when are we going to meet the guys?" Ella says as she wears her shoes and is ready for her night out.

"Tomorrow afternoon. I am really afraid Ella, i haven't seen Michael in a really long time."

"Have you talked after the break up?"

"We did actually. Two or three times i think."

"That's good, right?" 

"Yes, but it is awkward." 

"Does Harry know about Michael?"

"No, i told him that something happened but i didn't tell him anything. I have to but i can't."

"Tell him everything, E. He will hear everything and he will tell you if it is a good idea to meet that dickhead or not."

"Hey, he isn't that bad." I disagree.

"He cheated on you with your best friend. He is worse than you think. Stephan, on the other hand, is a good soul. I can't believe that they are related." 

"I will talk to Harry. Will you go out tonight with Kate?"

"Yes, do you want to come with me? I can wait for you."

"No, i will stay in tonight."

"Okay, I am leaving now. Have a good night and tell Harry i said Hi." 

"Hey." I tell her as she laughs and walks out of the room. 

I take my phone at my hand and text Harry. I can't call him anytime i want to and that really is bothering me. I know that technically i can, but i don't want to bother him. He texts me immediately and tells me that he is in the studio and that he will call me when he will be finished. 

I sigh and take my book at my hand. These days i am reading Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro and i find it a masterpiece. I really like the whole dystopian theme even though it is really depressing. I haven't finished it yet, but i know the ending from the movie and i am not ready for it. I read every word carefully and i write down what i find inspiring. I have done that for a really long time now and i am really happy that my books feel so homely to me. 

My phone never rang. I fell asleep and when i woke up i looked at it with hope, a hope that was telling me to never be that hopeful never again. Harry forgot about the call and i am alright. He is really tired with the traveling, writing and recording. But couldn't him find a few seconds to tell me Goodnight? He always send a goodnight and a good morning text. 

Ella came back at midnight and we talked a little before she fell asleep. It is so weird that neither of us can sleep a good 8 hour but somehow we are functioning members of the human society. I slept a little more as well. 5 hours of sleep is such a win for me.

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