Chapter 28

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Happy birthday, Harry❤️


May the 20th. That's the date. Harry's House is out since midnight and Eloise is more on edge than I am. She constantly talks about it, she checks Twitter and the fan pages on Instagram. It's cute seeing her like that. She's so thrilled and she's making me feel excited as well. I think that she is the first of my girlfriends who cares about my career in that way and don't expect something in return. 

It's early in the morning and I have a few interviews in order to promote my album. I know the questions that they are going to ask me, a few about the album and the most of them about my relationship. Jeff suggested to ban these kind of questions but I don't think that won't change a thing. 

Twitter is going crazy. My name often trends there about my every move but now everyone is going crazy. My post on Instagram has surpassed my post about One Direction and now it is my most liked one. I don't know why people care about my personal life, I don't want them to care. But, after all of these years in this job I now know that it is better to let them know what you want them to know. 

"Hello, Harry. Congratulations on the new album." The interviewer, Jenna, says to me. 

I smile and try to be my famous Harry self. I'm so lucky that all my interviews are via Zoom. I didn't want to leave my house today. The only thing that keeps me awake is that I know that Eloise is going to listen to all of them! 

"Hello, Jenna. Thank you, how are you?" 

"I'm fine. Are you excited about today?" She asks me. Today is the One Night Only show here, in New York city and I'm so excited. I missed performing. 

"I am. I wanted all of you to listen to these songs for so long." 

"All of them are amazing. True masterpieces they are. How was the writing process?" 

"It was weird, to be honest. I started writing something else for this album but then I had experiences that were by far better and um, I wanted to write about them i think." 

"Yes, I strongly believe about that everyone writes about their personal experience. Why did you name the album Harry's house?" 

"I was in Japan a few years ago and I listened to that one album and it had the same name.  Found it perfect for this record because it describes how the music in my house is. We dance all day in here." I joke but it is in fact true. We only listen to happy music that sometimes even I don't know. Eloise has this rule of not listening to sad songs at days that are too much. I love that rule, it makes me somehow happy too. 

"Your house is a happy place then. How do you describe a day in your house then?" Jenna asks me and I look around at my New York apartment. Eloise is at the bedroom and I'm sure that she is seeing this livestream. 

"I usually wake up early in the morning, I go for my morning run. I shower and then I cook breakfast. When I'm on tour I rehearse, when I'm not I'm writing. Through the day, we dance a lot around here, we sing, we love and we adore each other." 

"I love a day at Harry's house. Every one of your albums are amazing, if you had to sing one song for the rest of your life, what would that song be?"

"Um.." I try to think. "I don't think I can answer that question. I really love all of them. I can't choose." 

"Oh, an honest answer. Tell me more about the writing process then. How was it like writing an album while staring at two movies as well?" 

"I started writing this album after filming the movies. I was away at a small village and I found inspiration there." I tell the same story once again. 

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