Chapter 17

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There are always people you can trust and talk to, so do it. Don't forget to be kind <3

The morning came faster than i wanted. I wanted to stay into his arms forever. He sleeps peacefully and i just watch him. I am so happy that i can get to call him mine. 

I am leaving his arms as quietly as I can. I don't want to wake him up. Jagger stands up from his bed when he sees me and I today i feel happy. 

"Good morning, little boy. Let me dress up and we will go for our walk." 

I go back straight into my room and i wear my tracksuit. I pull my hair to a ponytail and i take Jagger's leash from the place i have it, in a drawer in the living room. Jagger is waiting for me by the door. 

Our walk is so refreshing. The air is cold and we are another day closer to Christmas. Tomorrow morning we are going to go at Anne's house and we will stay there until December 27. I told them that i can take my car and go back to my house but Anne insisted for me to stay as long as her son. She must really like me. 

A lot of people are outside at that early hour. I see some of them running to errands, others are walking their dogs and a few older people are going to their everyday walk in the park. Everyone is smiling and I know that it is the Christmas spirit. 

Jagger and I go back to my apartment and i see that Harry has made breakfast. 

"Good morning, H."

"Good morning, dearest Eloise. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, i did. How did you sleep?"

"Yes, i sleep better when i have you on my side." 

"You have already win me, you can stop saying that words."

"Never, come here and kiss the chef." I giggle and kiss him on his cheek. "Hey, no. On my lips, now." 

"I like when you are being possessive." 

"Hm, I will have that in my mind." He kisses me again and i hear Jagger barking. "I will feed you J boy. You don't have to cockblock me." 

"Don't say these words in front of him." 

"Come on Jagger, Mumma is mean on daddy." I will never get board of him calling me Jagger's mother. 

We eat in silence while Joni Mitchell's Blue is playing. 

"River is my favorite Christmas song." I tell him.

"I sang it once to her. It was probably horrible." 

"I can't fathom that you are famous sometimes. You are so humble and i tend to forget it." 

"Good, because I will never want you to see me as Harry Styles. I'm just Harry." 

"You are just Harry for the very first moment, H."

"Why river is your favorite Christmas song darling?"

"Christmas wasn't the best in my house hold and this song is as much pessimistic as i was back then." Here comes the parents talk. I will probably scare him away.

"Do you want to tell me about your parents?" I nod and he waits for me to speak. 

"As i have told countless of times, my parents weren't the best people in the world. My father worked long hours without a break and my mother worked too. Everything was perfect in my household until i turned 7. That year my father lost his job. He was depressed but he didn't want any help. He was so angry, Harry. He would yell for ours, he didn't find anything satisfying in the house. That was the first Christmas in our house that we didn't have a tree, or gifts, or even the food that we used to have on that day. My father didn't let my mother decorate. My siblings could understand a little better all of these but i couldn't. 

I was only 7. One day i came back from the school crying that everybody is writing a letter to Santa while my father didn't let us do it. My mother told me to stop it because she didn't want for my father to hear. But he heard. It was the first time that he hit me. It wasn't much. But it was enough for my little heart to break. I didn't want to look at him ever since.  

He didn't find a job ever again. My mother was a nurse and she was the one who worked in the house. She was so silent Harry. I hated for that. Everyday, we could hear her screaming. He was so abusive. He hit her on a daily basis. 

Mike started working when he was 16. He was working fulltime to fulfil my fathers wishes. Mike was the only one who didn't hit. Ella and I on the other hand were the ones who had to go through it all. He was yelling at us about our grades, our outfits, even our hair. I was so little by the time he first called me a slut. I was only 12, i didn't know what a slut was. " 

I stopped to get a breath. I can see that he is ready to cry. 

"Mike left the house by the time he was 18. I was 15 at that time and i couldn't follow him. One night, Ella decided to go find him. He worked fulltime and was able to have an apartment, where he lived with other two best friends and then Ella. The night of the great escape was the worst night of my life. 

He understood that something was wrong. My mother was in work so i was the only one in the house. Ella and I shared a room and when he came in and didn't see Ella, he started screaming at me. I don't even remember what he was telling me but i can still hear his voice. He told me to tell him where Ella was. I didn't tell him as word. 

I thought that my silence was my biggest weapon at that time. I was thinking that in a few minutes my mother would be home and then she would save me from his grip. She was late that night. An accident happened and she was needed there. I can't forgive her for that, even though i know it isn't her fault." 

"Eloise, you can stop baby if you want." I am crying now and i can see him crying too. 

"It was Christmas eve when Ella decided to escape. As i was saying, he was yelling at me but i wouldn't tell him a single thing. He took out a knife and he threatened me. My mother came just in time. She was so tired Harry, and i couldn't take all the pain she was feeling away. 

She was abusive too, in a way of telling me how to stand and how to act. She let me become an adult long before i was actually one. She never took care of me or Ella and the bruises my father was giving us. I can't forget the look at her face. 

When she saw the knife, my father was taken aback. But that didn't last long. He managed to hurt her. I, on the other hand, managed to call the police. They came soon enough. I think that some neighbor must have called them before me. They came and they saved my life. My mother was taken to the hospital and my father straight to prison." 

"That's a good ending, right?" His voice was broken.

"No, life wasn't by my side back then. My father stayed only for a year in prison, i don't even know how he managed to get out. My mother being my mother went back to him. He killed after 2 years and then proceeded to kill himself. My mother could have lived but she loved him more that she loved herself, than she loved us." 

He didn't speak. I was watching him crying silently. I even hug him and telling him that i was alright now. That everything passed and made me the Eloise that i am today.

"Sorry for crying. I am not good at receiving this information." 

"I know, it is a healthy way to react to all of this trauma. I don't how i would have reacted if someone told me all the things i told you today." 

"You are the strongest person ever E." 

"I am not, i have so much trauma still inside me. But i made it my power. I was silent for a lot of years before i became the person i am today." 

"You are strong Eloise. Now, come here. You will get so spoiled this Christmas darling." 

"Don't you dare." 

"Oh, i will. And you know it. I have so many Christmases to catch up. Thank you for trusting me." 

"Thank you for being here for me, Harry. I am so in love with you." 

"I am in loved with you too. Now, come with me. We have to pack your things. We don't want you to forget something." 


Next update will be on December 25th. It's a Christmas chapter and I'm so excited for you to read it. 

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