Chapter 20

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Today is January 20th. The first 20 days of 2022 was amazing. Harry and I are together most of the time, we stay at each others houses almost every night and when we can't we always fall asleep on facetime. Jagger is indeed like our child, we take care of him like he is a human being and I can't even remember how bored my life was before i met him. I had so much love to give to an animal and I'm really happy that this animal is Jagger. I had so much love to give in general. Harry is one of them. We tell each other the words I love you every day. I can't get bored of hearing them. 

My book has become a best seller. People love it. They read it again and again and they write about it on Goodreads. Even Harry wrote a review on Goodreads under a fake name. He was so excited to show me the other day and he said that he would write something under all of my books. 

The fact that Daydreaming about the Midnights became a best seller means that I've got to take interviews and even sign a few books in bookshops around London. I signed some and sent them to other bookshops around the world too. 

Today, Gemma, Harry's sister, asked me to be a guest on her podcast. It is the first time the world will see me interact with a Styles in person and I know that it won't be the last. I know that in the near future my relationship will become known, but i don't care. I love him too much to care. 

Now, I am sitting in an armchair in Gemma's little studio. Gemma is sitting across me and Harry takes a seat behind the microphones and he is smiling at us as he takes a few photos. I don't even know why he does it. 

"Are you ready?" Gemma asks me

"I am."  

"Okay, let's start." She looks at her and she looks at the sound guy. He points that everything is okay. "Hello, I'm Gemma and welcome to another episode of Good Influence. This is the podcast where each week we'll meet a guest who'll help us pay attention to something we should know about, but we shouldn't. 

This week we are talking about literature and how women are treated in that department. Eloise Taylor, a woman who I personally admire, is a poet, a writer and a woman in that business. She a has written a look of famous books as Jezebel, The life of the sun and her more recent one Daydreaming about the midnights. So, hello Eloise, thank you for coming." 

"Hello. Thank you for inviting me." She is born to do this, her voice is perfect for podcasts. 

"Let's start by telling us about your most recent book." 

"Okay. Well, my most recent book is a collection of poems written in prose and it is called Daydreaming about the midnights. It came out a month ago and I am really proud of this one. It is divided in four sections, Heartbroken, Alive, Loved and Self-Accepted. I am really open about my feeling throughout the book so I hope that the readers are well-awared before they buy it."

"That's exactly what I was hoping to talk about. You have always been really open about your emotions and your past experiences. How do you manage to do that?"

"I've been to therapy for a really long time. As I said before my childhood wasn't ideal but i had to get past it and move on. The only way to do it was therapy and I am really glad that I did it. I wanted someone to hear me and tell me that all of my experiences are in fact a big deal and not something to belittle. I had the opportunity so I did. I know that a lot of people don't have it so I am donating a lot to charities who are therapy related." 

"I wish there are more people like you, Eloise. Therapy is important and I wish more people had access to it. How did you start writing about your trauma?" 

"Everyone is writing from experience. So, I made mine my art and I started to write it. I never expected to publish it  but I did and I don't regret it." 

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