Chapter 33

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"You are going to be late again on stage darling." I tell Harry as he kisses my neck once more. 

"I don't care. Your leather jacket is doing wonders in me." He replies and he moves to my chest. "Have you ever thought about going blonde?" He asks me. 

"Only if you dye your hair black." 


"So, no i have never thought of that." I reply. "Stop now, you have to be on stage, babe."

"I don't want to." He says and kisses my lips once again. 

"You have too, think about the after party and how we are going to be together all the time." He nods and pecks my lips once again. He kisses my temple too and leaves the backstage running. I leave a few minutes after him, after i readjust my wig. Harry left a hickey on the right side of my neck but i don't have the time to cover it. I hope that the wig will have it covered. 

I walk alone to my usual place and in the meantime I greet some fans, who are saying my name. The concert hasn't started yet so I have the time to see what everyone decided to dress. There are fans who have recreated Harry's outfits, and also the costumes he had wore over the years. There are others dressed as witches, pirates, fairies and even ketchup and mustard. I had to think about that. Harry and I would be the perfect ketchup and mustard. 

The lights get low and the band is taking their places on the stage. Mitch has the perfect costume. Nobody expected him to agree with that, but I reminded everyone that last year he asked if he could be the cowardly lion. He is most fan than he lets people to know. Once you get to know him, you can see that he is the life of the party. The two of us are more alike than we expected. We have been closer than before and I really trust him with my life. 

Harry gets on stage and everyone starts screaming when they see that he is dressed as Danny Zuko. They look immediately at my way and they saw that I was dressed as Sandy. That made them cheer even louder. I don't know when his fans started to like me, they never really hated me but they were a lot of mean comments about me. They like me now, they call me bestie and they even joke that Harry and I are a power couple. One of them told me one day that I am going to be the best Styles in the future. I have never laughed louder. 

The energy in the room is immaculate. All of the fans are having a great time. Lambert and I are sitting in the back of the pit dancing alone and some of them even approach us and dance with us. Harry has created a loving atmosphere and everyone is feeling so accepted here that it makes me feel safe too. 

"Okay, now we are going to sing something different." He says into the mic and everyone screams once again. "As you can see, we are all dressed as characters of Grease. The next song is dedicated to two people. First to Olivia Newton-John, who is one of my idols and then to my girl, Eloise, to whom I am hopelessly devoted. This is Hopelessly devoted to you." 

"He is down bad for you, bestie." Lambert says to me, making me giggle. 

"I am for him as well, and you know it." 

I can see Harry moving to the side of the stage that I am standing. He is looking at me directly and I can't even think straight. He is so handsome, so pretty, so perfect for me. He really is my home. Hopelessly devoted to you isn't exactly a song that describes our relationship. It's a song that describes how we were exactly a year ago. We were so in love but so blind all at once. We couldn't see that there would be no rejection, that our feelings were mutual. 

"I'm out of my head

Hopelessly devoted to you" 

I sing the words back at him and he smiles so widely. The song ends and it is the time to wipe away my tears. Lambert takes me into his hug so I can calm down a little. It's the second year in a row that he makes me cry on Halloween. 

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