Chapter 8

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I have my phone on my hand and i try to understand how to go to the hotel that my sister and i were going to stay for that night. It was my first time in Las Vegas and I don't even know how people manage to live here for all of their life. Today was Harry's first concert after Covid and i am really excited to see him perform live. I have heard him sing, hell he even sang to me a lot of times, but to see him doing that in front of all these people is different. I know how proud he is for himself and i can't even imagine how anxious he must feel. I wanted to be at the venue a few hours earlier but i know that it will not happen. Our flight had a delay and that means that we are here hours after we thought we would. 

"I told to take a taxi."

"Don't start it Ella. I know Las Vegas."

"Isn't it your first time visiting?"

"Shut up." 

We went to our hotel, that Harry booked. I wasn't even sure why he told us that he had everything under control. An hour later we were ready. Ella was wearing a black mini dress and her white converse. She said that she had to keep it simple the first time she meets my future husband. She doesn't have a filter to save her life so I'm really afraid of her first meeting with Harry. I, on the other hand, decided to wear my pink flare jeans with a white tank top. We were simple and nobody will be looking at us. They don't even know who we are. Harry said that he wanted us to sit at the back of the pit but i told him to not even think about it. So we are sitting in normal sits, not so far away from the stage so he can look at us whenever he wants. He said that it is so important to him to have his loved one near him so he can see them and my heart skipped a bit. I'm one of his loved ones. 

When we are at the venue, i tell the security exactly what Harry tells me to say. He says to wait and after a few minutes Jeffrey, Harry's manager, is in front of me and my sister. 

"You should be the dearest Eloise." He says to me and gives me his hand. 

"Yes, and you are Jeff. I have heard so much about you."

"Not more than i have heard about you. He talks about you all the time." 

"I hope it's all good."

"Harry likes you too much to say a bad thing about you." 

I immediately look at my sister and she is already looking at me as she is saying to me I told you. I blush and i change the subject of the conversation. 

"Are we going to see him before the concert?" I have a little hope. 

"Unfortunately, no. He is already at the box."


"You will understand in a few minutes." 

He comes with us to our sits. I look around and i see so many people around me. They are all looking forward to see my boy singing and dancing at the stage. A lot of the fans are looking at us too. I know that they are wondering who the hell are these two girls with Jeff. 

We sit and after two minutes i heard Bukowski's voice. He told me about this idea a couple of weeks ago and i find it as the cleverest opening someone could think. It is so artistic even though i don't like Bukowski that much. It will be iconic. As his voice is all over the venue i can only think about that night in his house in that small village. We were at the balcony and he was reading to my that exact poem. I could listen to him reading forever. 

Harry is on stage. His outfit is exquisite. He is the most beautiful person alive right now. Everyone is looking at him. Even the people that aren't here on their own wills, like the parents, the girlfriends and boyfriends that are all around me. The phones are all over the place, everyone is screaming, the girl next to me is crying and her friend hugs her tight. My sister is looking at me and i am smiling. A true smile, a proud smile. I opened my bag and found a tissue that the girl next to me could use. 

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