Chapter 35

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It's Christmas time and it is the first time I am not afraid of this time of the year. I am loved, I love and I feel safe. There is nothing that it is making me anxious. Everything goes as planned. The movie is going to start be shoot it late January, Harry has ended the tour in America and we are all healthy. Ella is about to start her own business, Mike and Olivia are together and happier than ever, Gemma is studying to be a psychologist and Anne is Anne, the most active and energetic person that I know. 

Christmas is the time of the year that everyone is spending it with their loved ones and I am going to spend it with mine. It's our second Christmas as a family and it's even more exciting than the one the previous year. We are going to spend it at Anne's house again and everyone will be there. Everyone except Olivia, who is going back to Canada to spend it with her family. She wanted to be here but she couldn't leave her parents all alone as she is an only child. She is a great woman, very clever and inspiring. We can have long conversations and we are very close. Ella and her aren't that close though, because Ella's personality is the complete opposite. Ella has a weird sense of humor and there are only two people that can understand it, Harry and Gemma. Ella and Gemma are the two people you don't wanna mess up with, they are the ones that always make fun of Harry and I but they are the ones that always stand up for us. 

We are the first one to arrive at Anne's home. Gemma and Michal are going to be here soon, as well as Mike and Ella. Anne decided to invite us all here earlier than last year because she hasn't seen anyone in a long time and, as she said, she missed her children. We had a conversation the last time we met and she told me that she feels like I am her daughter. She told me that she has met Harry's girlfriends through the years but nobody made her feel as safe as I had. Anne and I are closer than ever these last few months and I really enjoy that I have someone to talk to about everything and to advice me like my siblings or Harry can't. Anne and I have the relationship that I wanted to have with my own mother and I wish that I can be half as good mother as Anne when the time comes. 

I want to have children like nothing else. I can see that Harry is excited to have children too. We try our best but we haven't succeeded yet. We both get really sad every time the test is negative but I have a feeling that sometime soon I am going to be a mother. 

As I said, Harry and I are at Anne's a few hours now. We are both helping Anne with the dinner, even though she said that she has everything under control. It's the first time we are going to have dinner all together after a long time and Anne wants everything to be perfect. Harry is distracted all day today and he even flinch when I get closer to him. I can't understand what is going on inside his head but if he continues acting like that we are going to have a big fight on Christmas day and one of us is going to end up crying, probably him.  

"Hello, hello, hello." Gemma comes into the kitchen with a baking tray on her hands. "I made cookies yesterday. They are delicious." She tells us before we even greet her. 

"Hello, darling. Where is Michal?" Anne asks her, not seeing her daughter's fiancé. 

"He carries the things inside. I have to go help him. Harold, don't eat all the cookies please." Gemma tells her brother, who is eating a cookie while holding another one. 

"I didn't even know that Gemma bakes." He states looking at his mother. 

"Her and Ella took some classes a few weeks ago. I should have known that she was going to bake something for us. I don't know thought, what Ella is going to bring." 

"Oh, she is way too extravagant for our own good and you know it." I tell them. "I am sure she baked so much that we can actually sell them. I'm glad that Harry knows that staff due to fact he used to work in a bakery." I tell them imitating Harry's accent at the last sentence, making Anne laugh and Harry pout.  

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