Chapter 12

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A/N: Buckle up dear readers, you aren't ready for this one. 

Last night was amazing. I got to kiss Harry and even if I don't remember it completely I can still feel the rush of adrenaline inside of me.

I know that I will not say anything about it to him, though. I don't want to say anything. I am afraid that he regrets it now that it's morning and we are both sober. Who would even like to kiss me? He can have all the women in the world so hoping is really dangerous for me.

Lana sang once that hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like her to have. I immediately felt the same. My life was a completely catastrophe and hoping is the last thing that I can do. I don't get to hope and I don't get to dream. The only goal I have is to achieve. And I am getting there but without hoping. I can't afford being false.

The room is lit up from the sun that has came up and I look at the unfamiliar room around me. I don't remember being bought here. I look at myself under the mattress and the only thing that I don't wear is my boots. So I guess that Harry bought me here. We left together after all. He said that he wanted me to stay at his house here. But I don't remember actually coming here and then going to bed.

Harry was so sexy last night. The way he looked at me, the way he was jealous of Michael and the way he danced with me. He even spilled beer on him. I understand now why. Harry took me away jealousy and when we eventually were away from everyone he kissed me. His kiss was kind at first, like I was fragile and he didn't want me to break into a million pieces. But then it became possessive. He wanted me to know that he is the only that got to do that at the end of the day. I feel angry and frustrated that it didn't continue. But I also feel horny, a feeling that I can't get to go away from.

I have that feeling from when we were at the stage. I couldn't find some alone time to please myself and I couldn't find someone to give me a relief too. So I am feeling like that all night and now I don't want to avoid it.

I looked around the room a little better. It was quiet and the door was closed. No one is going to come inside. I moved my hands all over my body and I just thought that Harry was doing that to me. I closed my eyes and I thought that it was his hand touching me inappropriate. I started from my neck, then my breast and stomach but it didn't stop there. My hand stopped between my legs. My hand is now inside my panties. I was already wet. I guess a little fun time didn't hurt anybody, right?


The orgasm I had this morning was enough to make my whole day be better. But I wished it was Harry doing all of that to me. I wish he was the one kissing me all the time, have sex with me, hold my hand and even cook with me at the crazy hours that I am usually awake.

I stand up from the bed and I saw a white t shirt on the bed as well as some gray sweatpants. I change into that. I don't get how I slept in that uncomfortable little dress.

I leave the bedroom and I go to the living room. It has a big library but it isn't filled with books. It has a few but it has a lot of picture frames. I guess that this is his way of home. Taking photos of his loved ones and having them in his houses.

I love how I got to know all of Harry's houses but not his home at London. We both are working too much at the time we both are in the same city that we didn't have time to visit each other's homes. We left for a week together after all so it was no need to see each other again before that.

The sofa is gray and the curtains are gray too. The only pop of color is the baby pink armchair and the purple blanket in the sofa. I love how this house feels.

"Good morning dearest. How did you sleep?" I hear Harry talking from behind me and I get scared for a second.

"Good morning. I slept well, you?"

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