Chapter 25

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Manik's POV

I heard something heavy and metallic falling on the floor. I followed the sound and was shocked to see the scene in front of me.

I could not believe my eyes. This could not be happening.

What the hell!!

Bob was trying to kiss Roshni, while she was trying her level best to keep him at a distance. I was literally rooted to the floor.

She looked very upset and was about to cry. 

" Bob! What are you doing?? Leave her! " I shouted from where I was and ran towards them.

He was a bit startled to see me and loosened his grip on her. I pulled her away from him immediately and came to stand between them.

She was trying her level best not to cry but her tears started flowing.

" Are you alright, Roshni?? " I asked and she just could not even speak. She just nodded but her tears were telling a different story.  I literally saw red.

" What the hell do you think, you were doing? "  I pushed at his chest and asked him with clenched jaw and fist.

" Nothing... "  He said.

" I saw you, so don't lie... How dare you touch her?? "  I asked.

" What?? You are making a mountain out of a molehill. I was just trying to be friends. Like you are our friend and she is your friend. So ..."  He was saying and I wanted to break his teeth.

" Shut up!!! Enough! How dare you touch her?? Apologise to her right now!! "  I said firmly.

" Oh!! Why should I?? Even she was enjoying it till now, she got scared because that metal vase fell and you came. Ask her!! She was enjoying my touch till then. "  He said with a cheap expression.

I looked at Roshni and she shook her head immediately. And more tears started flowing from her eyes.

I knew that she was not lying. Bob must have done something wrong.

" It's ok, I am here. Don't cry. Tell me what happened?" I said trying to soothe her and she buried her face in my chest and cried like a child.  I was shocked to see her like that.

" He is lying... " She managed to say.

" Roshni!! Tell me what happened. "

" No! I don't want to talk about it. "  She said her face still hidden in my chest.

" You both seem to be like a couple. Make a pretty picture together. Why pretend?? "  He said with a sarcastic smile.

" What?? "  I glared at him.

" By the way... Does she know that you have a hot girlfriend in New Delhi?? " He asked.

" What do you mean? "  I asked, what was he trying to imply?

"  You are having a relationship with her, aren't you?? "  He accused me.

" What rubbish are you talking about?"

" Rubbish?? Do you think I was born yesterday?? Aren't you having an affair with her?  An extra girlfriend while your main girlfriend is away?? How convenient!!" He started laughing.

" Hell!! No! " I said.

" Look at the way she is standing in your arms. If you both are not in a relationship then why is she staying here alone with you?? She seems to be quite an at ease with you.  Then what is the problem if I wanted to taste those juicy lips?? "  He said and I punched him very hard.

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