Chapter 26

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Manik's POV

" That goes without saying... the deal is already cancelled from our side.  I cancelled it the moment you misbehaved with her. I can't work with a man, who can't respect a woman. You may leave now!! " I said immediately.

" Is it?? We had heard a lot about Indian hospitality. We heard that a guest is treated like a God here. Today we saw the reality. " Bob said.

" Bob, Shut up!! " James said to him.

" Whatever you had heard about us was right, we respect our guests as God and treat them accordingly, provided he acts as a God, not like a devil. We respect our guests, but the guests also need to respect us back. We don't allow them to disrespect anyone in our home and least of all, our women. Our women are our pride. How dare he touch her?? Just thank your stars, that he was invited to our home as a guest today, or he would have been behind the bars or on a hospital bed by now for misbehaving with a girl like that. Now, please leave... before I lose my anger and beat him." I said.

" I am sorry on my brother's behalf!! You are very angry at the moment, we will talk about it tomorrow, please don't take this issue to our parents. We can solve it amongst ourselves. Please, calm down. I am apologising on his behalf, he is my younger brother and I am responsible and answerable for his behaviour. Please accept my apology and I can apologise to your friend as well. Please let's meet at your office tomorrow. This business trip is as important to us as it is for you. Please, let's not spoil it. Or our parents would not trust us again so easily. " He said but I remained silent. I was so angry with him

He requested me to have another meeting at the office. I nodded. And he left.

I went to see Roshni. her door was locked. I knocked at it but she didn't open the door.

" Roshni, please open the door. I need to talk to you. " I said but neither did she open the door nor day anything.

" Roshni, please!! Open the door... I will keep standing here for the whole night if you don't open the door. I swear I am as stubborn as you are. Ok, fine! I will keep standing here. I actually deserve that. I should not have invited them here. I am sorry!! "  I said.

And just then the door opened. She was standing there, with a tear-streaked face.

" Please, don't apologise. It is me who should apologise, I spoilt everything. This deal was so important for you. All your efforts could have gone waste. I hope the deal is still on. "  She said hoping me to say yes.

" I cancelled the deal," I said calmly.

" What ?? But why?? "  She was shocked and looked very sad.

" Because I can't work with such people. How dare he misbehave with you?? I cancelled it. " I said.

" But Manik Ji, all your efforts went down the drain. I am sorry... I should not have joined you for dinner, all this would not have happened if I had stayed away. I am sorry.  " She said and sank to a kneeling position hiding her face behind her hands and burst into tears.

Poor girl... Feeling guilty.

" Hey, don't cry!! It's ok. It is not a big deal. We will get better business. And you are talking to the grandson of the great diamond king. This deal was just like peanuts as compared to what dad and chachu have been handling. It is not a big thing and as it is, you were not at fault for what happened, so stop blaming yourself for that. "  I tried to make her feel better.

" But... "

" No arguments!! Now tell me, exactly what did he do? " I asked.

" No!! "

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