Chapter 114

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Manik's POV

" Thank God! We are so relieved to hear that. All's well if it ends well. Now please get ready for the rituals... It's your wedding day and so many rituals are still to be done. " Chachu said.

I  took a deep breath ...

It was the right time to announce our marriage.

" I am sorry, Chachu... But I can't perform all those rituals now as I... " I said but as usual they didn't let me complete the sentence.

" I know you must be tired and there are many rituals and very limited time. Don't worry, we will not stretch the ceremonies, will do only the main ones in short. Pandit ji is waiting for you. " Mom said.

" Will all of you, please listen to me for once? " I said in a louder voice.

" What happened? "  Dad asked.

" Nothing uncle, he is the groom today, so wants special treatment from all of us. It's ok we will give it to him, after all, it is his wedding day. " Viren said teasing me.

" I am not the groom and it's not going to be my wedding day. " I said.

" What do you mean? "  Viraj uncle asked.

" I apologize to each and every person present here but I can't marry Myra. "  I said.

" Enough of this time pass, Manik. We all have a hell lot of work to do. It is your wedding and only you are free. It is our sister's wedding, we don't have time for your pranks. " Sujal said.

" Pranks?? Do you think I would prank in front of all of the elders?? I called all of you here because I wanted to tell something to all of you. Please take me seriously and listen to me. It is not any kind of joke or prank. I can't marry Myra or anyone else as I am already married. " I said.

" We know you are very dedicated to your work. Now don't you dare use that cliche, that work is worship and You are married to your work. " Viren said.

" No, I am not going to say that. I am already married to a girl. "  I replied.

" Enough!! What nonsense are you talking about? "  Viraj uncle asked.

" Yes, I got married yesterday. "  I said.

" Stop kidding, none of us is enjoying it. It is not at all funny, Manik." Chachu said glaring at me.

" I am not kidding, I really got married yesterday. So if I am already married, I can't marry anyone else now. " I said

" Is it?? Ok, since you want to play this game so desperately today itself, I can play along as you are going to marry my sister. Tell me whom did you got married to? Where is your wife?" Viren asked with a smirk.

" She is right here. I married Roshni yesterday. And Mihir and Shaurya were there as witnesses. " I replied.

" Oh shut up!! Stop this nonsense... Roshni? She is your ward... And Mihir, of course, you are his ideal, he would agree to you even if you say it is night right now. You are all in this drama. But we are getting annoyed. Stop it. " Viren was getting angry now.

" And what do you think about me? Do you think, I would also lie for him? And do you really think that he would say such a big thing?? No!! It is the reality, he had to marry her to save her as well as his own life. They had to marry to get out of that place as they were checking everyone except for the brides.  " Shaurya said.

" What the hell are you talking about, Shaurya?? Did you help them in getting married? If he is your friend, so am I.  Did you not think of my sister?? "  Viren looked as if he saw red. He got very upset.

" Their lives were in danger, Myra was safe here, I didn't help them in getting married, we helped them in escaping those armed goons and the only way out was the wedding. So please don't compare the two things, Viren." Shaurya said.

" I still think this is some Kind of joke... How could he marry someone if he was supposed to marry Myra?? " Mohit uncle said.

"  Enough of this drama. It was interesting, Great? Now, stop fooling around, we have to make other arrangements too. " Sujoy uncle said.

" Uncle, I swear it is not a joke, I married Roshni. "  I said.

" What?? Have you gone out of your mind?? You were going to get married to Myra. Mehul, what is this?? Did you know about all this? " Viraj uncle shouted. Mohit uncle, Sujoy uncle, Sujal and Viren all looked furious.

Just then Mihir came in front of everyone along with Roshni.

Everyone was shocked to see her as she was dressed as a married girl with vermilion on her head and wearing a mangalsutra.

She looked beautiful in a simple lemon-yellow dress with elegant diamonds and pearls. Her long hair was open, framing her beautiful face.

" Uncle, I am really sorry but he did that to save our lives. They all had loaded guns. They even sold me to another group. Manik ji saved me. But we could not have come alive of there if we had not joined that group of couples that were to be married. They could not see the faces of the brides, otherwise, they forced the woman at the gunpoint to show their faces. Please don't be angry with him. You can punish me or hate me if you want but please don't get angry with him and his family. It is not their fault. " Roshni folded her hands and said.

" It's ok... We don't have to consider that as a real marriage as it was not intended. It was a way to save their lives. We can treat it as drama or acting. We can get it annulled. " My dad said.

" Yes, that can be done, no one knows that they got married, we don't have to consider it." Viraj uncle said.

" But how can we neglect that they did get married?? "  Maya aunty said.

" We can't get Myra married to him till that marriage is declared null and void. " Mom said and chachi nodded.

" But they didn't want to get married, he loves Myra and wanted to get married to her. This marriage was just a way... " Chachu was saying but I had to stop him.

" No!! It was not just a way of saving our lives.  I need to tell something to all of you I never wanted to get married to Myra. We had just started dating when I had to go to Surat then everybody got to know that river dating and you fixed my engagement with her without even asking me we never felt anything for each other at least I didn't feel anything for her like that. I even tried to tell everyone at that time but nobody listened to me, everybody assume that we wanted to get married and you people arranged an engagement party for us without even asking me I could not refuse at that time because everybody was so happy but I was falling for Roshni.  I tried to hold my feelings and tried not to fall for her but I was falling in love with Roshni with every passing day. "  I said.

" What rubbish are you talking about? "  Viraj uncle shouted at me. He was so furious that it seemed he could have killed me.


Hello friends 🥰

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

Take good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi 💓💓💓

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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