Chapter 45

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Manik's POV

" Manik Ji?? What are you doing here?? "  She asked.

" Why?? Can't I come to talk to you? " I asked immediately.

" But you have... So many people here who have come to meet you all the way from Delhi. "  She said looking away.

" So what?? Why are you behaving like this? " I asked.

" Like what? "  She was confused.

" Like... You don't know me. " I explained.

" What?? I didn't get it.  "

" You are being friendly with everyone, though you met them merely twenty-four hours ago. But not even looking at me, why? Are you angry with me? " I asked.

" Me?? I thought you were... "  She said looking surprised.

" Why would I be angry with you?  " I asked immediately.

" How do I know... You didn't even bother to taste what I prepared for breakfast. "  She replied.

" What?? I was about to, but Mahi and Saanjh wanted it, so I... Anyway, you are annoyed with me because of that? Why are you not behaving normally?" I was asking her but she interrupted me.

" What do you want from me?? Shall I tell my feelings for you to everyone?? I will do it if you want me to. " She said immediately.

" No!!! But at least you can behave normally. "  I said.

" What I am doing is perfectly normal, Manik Ji. I don't want to create problems between you and your girlfriend. " She said turning her back towards me.

" But you are even avoiding looking at me... I feel that you are annoyed and angry. It makes me uncomfortable. Be normal. " I said turning her back to look at me.

" What is normal?? It is not normal to see the person you love, with another person. I can't see you with her and pretend that I am happy, though I am happy to see you smiling... That smile of yours makes me go mad. But it hurts me when I realise that it is neither because of me nor for me.  "  Her eyes got moist and within seconds a tear rolled off them.

" I am sorry, Roshni... "

" Don't be, I am happy for you. So chill and please leave before your girlfriend sees you here. "  She said turning her back towards me again. I was about to say something but I heard Shlok calling for me.

"  Good night!! Please take care. " I said and came out of her room.

The moment I came out of the room, to look for shlok, I was startled to see Myra standing in front of the door.

" I was looking for you everywhere and then thought that you might be here to tuck the child into the bed. Seriously, I am trying to find every single chance to be with you and all you can think about is her? " Her words were dripping with sarcasm.

" You are getting it wrong... "

" What is so special about her? I am better than her in every aspect, then why are you so much into her? "  She asked.

" It's not like that,  she is my ward... " I started explaining.

" I have eyes, Manik. What is going on between you two? "  She asked me.

" Nothing, nothing at all. "  I replied.

" Then why do I feel that she is challenging me with eyes? Though she hasn't said anything, her eyes are always on me and they held hatred and jealousy for me. "

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