Chapter 29

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Manik's POV

Once the deal was completed, and he was gone after doing the payment, I called my Chachu to inform him as my dad was in the USA and it was midnight there.

He was really pleased though Mihir had told him about what happened. Chachu asked me about Roshni and I told him that she was fine now and everything else, well, within the limit.

" I am proud of you my boy for how you handled everything maturely and how you cancelled the order last night. And even now that is how you accepted the deal with a double order. God bless you. I am sure your dad would also be very proud of you. Bye, take care. Come home for a few days, we all are missing you." He said. 

" I will come home soon," I said and disconnected the call.

After all that I rushed for my training, I was learning to cut diamonds now. It was very technical work and needed full concentration or the loss was too much. One could spoil the precious stone if not done properly.

The respect for my workers increased manifold in my mind. I got to know that they were they play one of the most important roles in determining the cost of a diamond. They were the reason for our success. I would definitely do something to better their living.

I was still thinking about all this,  Just when my phone rang...

It was Shlok. I was so happy to see his name flashing on the screen.

"  Hi, bro! "

" Don't, hi me... Where are you lost these days?? I know you are focusing on your profession and family business but you can't forget us. "  He said.

" I can never do that... It's just that I don't get time nowadays." I replied.

"Of course, you have a beautiful girlfriend now, why would you have time for us? So, how is everything with your girlfriend?? "  He asked.

" Very bad... I want her in my life, I like her. She has everything I want in my life partner and I think of my future with her. But she is not satisfied with our long-distance relationship. She is kind of giving me signs that she is not happy. I really want this to work. I like her. I just don't get time to go to Delhi and meet her. " I said.

" It's ok... Shaurya and I will find a solution for you. Tell me when are you free, we will have an online meeting. So that we can talk. It has been so long since we saw you. "  He said.

" I am going home, will be there in half an hour and then will have dinner and will be free by 9 PM. So we can have a meeting at 9:30,"  I said.

" Done! So we will meet you at ten. Bye! "  He said and disconnected the call before I could say anything else.

I reached home and saw Roshni waiting there for me. I have been very awkward since she muttered in her sleep that she loves me. Maybe it was not what she meant... But still.

She gave me a very beautiful smile and greeted me. I felt that it would be rude if I ignore her smile, only someone heartless could do that. So I gave a polite smile.

" So?? How was your day Manik Ji?  Did you meet that client again? I hope you didn't cancel it. " She asked with excitement.

" He requested me a lot and since you were also feeling very bad about it, I didn't cancel it. In fact, he offered to increase his order to double. I accepted it. " I said and she smiled.

" Great!! So it calls for a celebration... " She said, I just smiled.

" Maharaj Ji, I am going to change, serve the food as soon as possible, I have a meeting later on... " I said and went upstairs.

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