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Well, i'll would just like to talk to you about something. Sometimes people say things that hurt. Bullying is a serious matter. People get bullied all the time, cyber bullying, verbal abuse, or physical abuse. It's all the same. You have no idea how your actions effect other people. I'd like to take the time to remind you all to watch what you say, think before you speak because your actions can easily bring some one up or tear them apart. Hundreds of kids under 16 commit suicide EVERYDAY! Most of which is caused by bullying in school, online, and sometimes at home. Let's get something straight. Yesterday i saw the ugliest side of humanity. Someone I really care about almost took their life because of cyber bullying. I'm glad she got a second chance but some kids aren't so lucky. Please be careful with what you do and what you say. If you are being bullied then know this. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT IN YOUR OWN WAY! DON'T BELIEVE WHAT THEY SAY TO YOU BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! YOU ARE AN AMAZING,GORGEOUS, AND BRILLIANT! EVERYONE SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD IS! If you know a person that is being bullied do something! Tell a parent or teacher or and adult. Don't be afraid to take action! You can easily save a life. On The week of February 24 I will have a write a different name on my wrist of someone that killed themselves, almost did, or is being bullied. You can easily look on google or yahoo or something for a list of kids who have. If you want you can join me and send me pics if you like to my email or here.

Help prevent suicide. I'd like to dedicate the rest of my book and my others to my friend.




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