Chapter 25

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A/N: I'm going to wrap this story up soon.



   I ran out of work, into my car, amd drove straight to the hospital. I probably ran a billion red light and stops signs but I had to check on Zayn. I ran down the corridor where I remembered Zayn's room was. I passed the waiting room down the hall from his room when I saw everyone there. I stood there frozen as everyone looked up at me. "Its uhm-family only for a little while." spoke Harry. "Oh." I whispered softly as I sat down in the love seat near them. "You okay Stephie ?" I asked her as I stroke her hair. She nodded speechless as she wiped the tears from her face.

    Soon, a woman I reckoned to be Zayn's mom came into the room as said "You all can come in now but not all at once." She sat down followed by 3 girls who resembled Zayn, his sisters I assumed. Harry, Niall, and Stephanie went in as 5 of us stayed behind. "Tricia Malik, Zayn's mum." She said as her hand reached out to me. "Jessica Davis" I whispered as shook her hands. They seem so fragile. She must have not rested. The others young girls who turned out to actually be Zayn's sisters introduced themselves aswell.

     We waited approximately 15 minutes for the others to come out and then Sarah, CJ, Liam and I awkwardly got up and walked down the hallway in silence to Zayn's room. I opened the door and let everyone in and we watched him. Tears soon fell again but a doctor came in to check on him as we were there. I sat on a chair with CJ and Sarah and Liam just stood at Zayn's side. There wasn't anything we could do at the moment, except wait for Zayn to wake.

   "Your love is like a river,Peaceful and deep,Your soul is like a secret

That I never could keep,When I look into your eyes,I know that it's true,God must have spent...A little more time On you..." I looked at CJ confused as she looked at Sarah with the same expression, who looked at Liam with an even more confused expression. "It's uhm- just a song we sing together when we're just messing about. Little bit of banter." he explained as to why he was singing *NSYNC.  "Oh." was all I said and we fell in an awkward silence. We decided to walk out and just wait in the waiting room, for who knows what. We all just sat there in silence for hours upon hours taking turns for trips to the hospital cafeteria, back and forth home (or hotel) for naps and showers. Wasn't at all exciting but we didn't want to leave Zayn alone in case he would wake.

     Night came and the girls and I had school so we all said goodbyes and left the hospital gloomy. The girls spent another night at my house and we all went straight to sleep. No messing around tonight.

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