Final Stops

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Will's right hand is guided by the bank teller to update his will in case he never returns. The beneficiaries were already his mother and father, but he wants to add one more person to the list. With help, he writes down that Bumva will receive his other mandolin and money. He signs his signature and they proceed.

The streets bustle with people going to shop for what they can afford. But they don't go alone thanks to a supply from the kingdom. Even the oldest of adults are wearing a metal blade as a traveling companion. Short to long, it doesn't matter. Anything to ward off a potential undead uprising.

The bard takes note of the missing sounds as they pass by a school. No laughter from children playing. No teachers scolding bad behavior. Not even a footstep.

Because of the necromancer, the kingdom shut down the school. No options for tutors as a safety precaution and children were told to stay inside. Parents were forced to adjust their homelives with Sindedrid and her husband being one of them.

He remembers trying to cheer up his niece when he babysat for them....

Sighs followed after flipping another page of her math book. He got Nerdeani out of the chair and played several songs for her to dance to. Although the stress was alleviated, it came back. Her orange irises shook from the thought of never seeing her friends again.

"Uncle Will?"


Her hands clenched with welled up eyes. "If Drago and the others couldn't stop her, who can?"

He stopped playing to get to her knee level. His long arms embrace her tightly. "Things will work out. You will be able to play-"

Tears dripped to the floor as her small arms tried to reach each other. "What if they send mom?"

He kissed the top of her daylight hair. "I will not allow them to send her. I promise you that."

"And you?"

He threw her up in the air multiple times to get her to laugh. "Phineas would be a better option than me. Engla needing me would be hilarious....."

He almost chuckles to himself that Engla needs him after all. But he stops the laughter. He imagines his niece's heart breaking. But this next stop will break two at the same time.

A plantation the size of a football field welcomes them with melons, corn, yellow squash, and radishes. In the middle of it all, a dug trench serves as a border. Near the home is healthy crops. On the other side, a midnight black color rules the rest with flies buzzing about.

The bard motions the others to stay outside while he knocks on the door of a lofty house. A man in his late 50s that resembles the bard comes out. He sees his son and embraces him.

"My boy! It's good to"- He sees a knight with some guards present. "Are you in trouble?"

Will shakes his head. "Not this time, father. Is mother around?"

"William!" His mother comes out and hugs him as well.

"Mother, father. We need to talk. Can we go inside?"

His parents can tell from the tone that he's serious. They close the door for a private conversation.

Not even a few minutes later....."WHY?! NOT MY BABY!"

The cry of his mother startles them all. The fear of worry from the parents while their son tries to soothe them. Sniffling and tears occupy the house of three. The minutes that pass feel like hours. Dorothea grabs onto his son's torso, refusing to let him leave. James Bennett tries to pry her hands away while hurting at the same time.

The Skeleton QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang