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During the next few hours, William Bennett tosses and turns in the soft sheets of Melody's bed. Meanwhile, she talks with each of her citizens before making her official decision.

If she chooses to return back to life, Will's life expectancy will be hastily cut. If she rests with her people...She remembers the bard's words that give her some comfort. He will protect her people's legacy.

Hector returns back to her side. "My queen, there's something you should know to aid your decision."

"What is it?"

He tells her what Will asked him to do with the bottles. Her feet shuffle from side to side while a smile creeps on her face.

"Thank you, Hector. For everything you did."

"Even in death, I will serve you. I will follow you into the afterlife if that's what you wish."

She places her hands on his clavicle. "I only ask that you rest. You earned it for all that you did."

She lays her head on his sternum. He wraps his arms around her and holds it for some time.

"Before you go, let's have some music. I will send someone to get William at 11:30."

As they talk, Emilia and the other children arrange a game of jacks using some of their bones for the game. She drops a ball and gathers some finger bones before catching it. Melody lightly smiles that kids will always be kids, even in death.


Will continues to think between the two spells he could use. One would shorten his life, while the other would peacefully end Melody. He rubs his temples as he thinks about his options.

No matter what she picks, I will do what she asks of me. It will hurt though if she picks the second option, he thinks. He lets out an exhale as he interlocks his fingers on his chest.

The howling wind passes by outside. Kraa!

He hears it outside his door. The raven from before.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He rolls out of bed to open the door. He hears the fluttering of wings before feeling its talons on his shirt. The dark bird nuzzles its head against his cheek.

"You like me too?"

A gentle kraa!

"I will take that as a yes. Where are we going?"

The bird leaps off of him and croaks at him repeatedly. The bard catches on that it wants him to follow. He follows the sounds back down to the throne room.

"Welcome back, William," the queen speaks with mixed emotions. She's now wearing an open back orange dress that accentuates her wide hips and bosom.

He bows to her. "Glad to hear your voice again, Queen Melody."

He hears the flapping wings of the raven as it comes back to him. The beak touches his hand and he feels the silver wires.

"May you play some lively music for my people?"

"Definitely. May I dance with you?"

"Yes, but how?"

"I will show you."

He strums his wires with a foot on the end.

"Lovely music, fall onto our ears,
May tonight be filled with the happiest of tears.
Continue to play until Melody commands it,
For her decision, I will submit."

The wires pull and extend tightly until they stand on its own. The wires vibrate as lively music plays out. The bard hears the skeletons walk to the middle of the floor. Emilia is scooped up by her father as he dances while holding her hand. The raven sits on an arm of the throne and taps its feet to the beat.

The Skeleton QueenWhere stories live. Discover now