Magicis Cenam

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Will Jr puts on a fancy navy-blue shirt for an upcoming event. He looks at his perfume options and can't make a decision. He stretches towards sandalwood but pulls his hand back.

Maybe Pine will do. Wait. Maybe-

"Use the lavender perfume," Gash suggests to help him.


"It relaxes you and will probably do the same for her."

"Can he just use all of them?" Tuzah asks.

"That would be a terrible combination, sis. I want to make a good impression for Ohgamesh."

"But you slayed the initiation ritual...literally," Gulak laughs.

"And you both kissed," Gash adds.

"You got this, big brother!" Tuzah growls with encouragement.

Will Jr's deep laugh relieves the stress eating at him. He pours out some lavender perfume and applies it to his wrists and neck. He takes in the scent with a deep inhale before leaving his find his parents waiting outside.

"My baby boy is so handsome!" Bumva barely lifts him off the ground with a hug.

"You smell great, son. Have fun."

"Thanks, mom and dad. Would you like to come along-"

The blind bard shakes his head. "I will not get in the way of your love life. As long as you're happy and healthy with her, that's all that matters. You can ask if her she wants to have dinner with us next time."

He gives his father a bearhug. A few cracks in his back concerns him.

"I'm good. Needed that from....nevermind."

Bumva hides a devilish smile from his reference. "Don't be late now."

Jr walks past them. He sees Mel and his siblings up ahead.

Mel hands him a bouquet of blue bell flowers. "She will like this."

"Thanks, mom," he gives her a hug as well. His siblings cheer him on as exits the house. He makes his way to the restaurant while taking on the drizzling showers of Engla. The pleasant mist soothes his bouncing heart.

He gets to the French style restaurant where everyone is dressed up fancy. The Maitre'd looks up from his book.

"Hello, s-"

His eyes widen from the hill sized half orc in his vision. He shakes his head to refocus. "Do you have a reservation, sir?"

"Yes, it's under William Bennett Jr. That's me," he speaks softly to avoid spooking the man. The men and women in fancy clothes mutter about the man.

"I see your name. Party of two?"

"Yes, in fact, I'm waiting for Ohgamesh the Terrible."

"I will lead you to your table so you can wait."

Jr is careful with his steps as he makes his way to the table. He finds the chair there is way too small for him. "Can you take this chair?"


Will Jr gets comfortable while sitting down. He finds he can still reach and use his utensils. He waits for his date to arrive.

He tries to focus on his date, yet the whispers around him get picked up.

"How can they let him in here? He doesn't look like a full orc, yet he's still a monster. Can he even afford to be here?"

He shakes off those whispers by reminding himself that the date is about them, not anyone else. However, he gets the feeling that she would be uncomfortable in this place. Before he can get up, Ohgamesh walks in with a red dress that enchants his eyes. It reminds him of the fun hunt he was on.

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