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Melody opens her eyes. The snoring of Bumva and Will welcome her. She bites her lip to avoid laughing from the discord of their snoring. She continues to lay down and watch her husband's chest move up and down in rhythm.

After telling the truth yesterday, she feels lighter than a feather. It was painful for their family to hear about their remaining life spans, but they had to know. They will make the most out of the remaining 10 winters.

A knock on the door grabs her attention. That single knock is followed by several.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Luis and Tuzah yell out. Will and Bumva stir awake. In the middle of his yawn, Mel grabs his head and locks lips with him. She doesn't care about his dragon breath. Her tongue takes command until he responds. She breaks the kiss, leaving him wanting more.

"Buenos dias, mi esposo," she greets with a wide smile in her voice. 

"Buenos dias," he nears her face to kiss her again, but Bumva pulls him over for a kiss that murmurs into his mouth.

He's now wide awake.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

He hears Tuzah and Luis.

"We're up now!" He responds while stretching. The trio get out of bed and Bumva opens the door.

Luis and Tuzah, wearing pajamas, latch onto their father's legs. He almost falls backwards, but he regains himself. The rest of his family come near the doorway in their sleeping clothes.

"Morning, dad!" Jr softly growls.

"Let's eat breakfast!" Gash almost yells before Emilia covers his mouth with her handkerchief.

"Morning, everyone. How did you all sleep?" Will asks.

"Not okay, but it will get better," Gulak answers.

"I think Gulak would have slept better if Ghulnea was in his arms," Jaime jokes.

The half orc laughs while holding both hands behind his head. "Maybe."

Ghulnea almost gasps from his lack of shyness. Her open mouth closes to a warm smile, hoping the serenade will happen at some point.

"Let's have cafe con pan!" Luis suggests.

"I want to make an omelette!" Tuzah throws in her suggestion.

"Okay. Let's have an Engla and Espan breakfast."

"Yes!" Luis pumps his fist in the air.

Bumva laughs. "Okay, let's go shopping for that. No need to get dressed. Just brush your teeth and wash your face."

The whole family shops and returns back to the castle. Mel and Bumva go to make breakfast, but Tuzah and Luis stop them.

"Leave it to us!" Luis orders. Mel glances at Bumva and they wait in the banquet hall with their husband. The rest of their children aid their siblings. A savory smell travels back to the trio.

"It's good they haven't burned anything," the blind bard jokes while strumming his strings.

Bumva laughs. "Don't jinx it!"

Will's nose sniffs out what they made: omelets, roasted potatoes, black coffee, grilled tomatoes, bacon, mushrooms, and heated sweet rolls. Jaime hands his mother a cup of coffee with a sweet roll on the side.

Mel then gets a kiss on the cheek from him. "Enjoy, mama."

"Gracias, mijo."

"Smells so good!" Will compliments before they all dig in. Mel sips her cup, and a pleasant shiver travels down her back.

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