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The day after Phineas' dinner, Will and his family go to the Bennett Plantation. Will Jr and his siblings embrace their grandparents tighter than before. Like they want to pass good news through the hug.

"Mom, dad. I have important news to tell you...."

He tells them about Phineas' act to extend his and Mel's lives and the second spell. The gray-haired couple cry tears of happiness and sadness as they hug their miracle tightly.

"At least we will have more time together," Dorothea sobs.

Bumva gently takes Dorothea's right hand and places it on her belly. Mel does the same with her left hand. James and Dorothea jump with joy.

They eat lunch together with Esmerelda and her siblings helping out. 

"Do you have names picked out?"

"If it's a girl, Sabrina. If it's a boy, Hector," Melody proudly tells them. 

Bumva and the others understand the significance of that second name. The loyal captain who helped her even after death.

After lunch, Will crouches down and finds her legs. He takes off her shoes. His magical fingers relieve the pressure from her hard work.

"It's too early for that, mi amor."

"Consider this one an early one. There will be plenty more to come. You're next, Bumva!"

"I always wondered....how are you good at that?"

"He's got his father's magic," Dorothea explains with a laugh. James kisses her cheek and holds her from behind. They smile proudly as more grandchildren will arrive.

One year later...

Crackling! Fzzz!

William and Claude play accompanying music while Luis practices his lightning feet. He times his attacks to the rhythm of the song as Phineas looks on.

After practice, Will takes his son home. Claude stays behind.

"Old man! Would you like me to play a song for your eulogy?"

"I would like that. I wouldn't ask anyone else."

Claude smiles from the honor of it. "I will compose the greatest song that Engla has ever heard!"

The mage laughs. "Save that for William."

"Fine. Fine. Five years left to go. Want to spend the rest of it with a woman?"

Phineas waves his hand to the side. "Not the ones you pick!"

"What's wrong with that? I got good taste and I can set you up."

"I...do admit you have good taste. You're with Cara after all."

"She's the best," his eyes soften.

"To think you fell in love after all."

"I can't keep chasing princesses when I already found an empress. Don't change the subject! I bet there's women who want to be with you."

"I've never chased love before, and I don't see a need now."

"In case you change your mind, come to the brothel."

"We'll see, you perverted bard," he speaks gently.

"What do you want to drink tonight?"

"I think gin will be fine."

Claude shudders from experience. "By itself?! Are you insane?"

"With orange juice of course....and plenty of ale!"

"You got it, you old fool."


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