Solstice Pt 1

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After his nap, Will stares at the painting of his entire family with eyes on two subjects. The people who gave him hope from the very beginning that his blindness wasn't a limitation.

Holding a mirror to compare, her finds he has the same brown hair and eyes of his mother, Dorothea. The one who taught him how to sing.

He adjusts the mirror at an angle and smiles. He has his father's smile, bushy eyebrows, and jawline. Also, the courage to brave the world with a head held up high.

"Don't get stuck in that mirror," Yarlg jokes from behind.

"And ignore the good looks of my parents?"

Sindy softly punches his hip. "Today is not the day to be a narcissist!"

"But my middle name is Humble. William Humble Bennett-Ramirez," he holds back a chuckle.

"You would have to get your marriage certificate revised for that," Yang dryly jokes while handing him a goblet.

Vapors of warmth steam out. He wafts the aroma with his hand to his nostrils before stopping. "Oh, right. I'm not blind anymore."

"Would you like me to put a cloth over your eyes?" Yarlg offers without a joke.

"No thanks. I appreciate the offer," before taking a sip. Yang looks on in anticipation.

William mildly coughs up the kick in the back of his throat. He avoids spilling his drink by handing it to Sindy.

"I got you good!" The rogue exclaims before he's placed in a headlock by the bard.

Will gives him a noogie before letting him escape. "That was a good one, Yang."

The rest of his family walk up in their winter gear to meet with the four. Melody and Bumva each bring a bouquet of flowers while Jaime brings a satchel that clinks with each step.

"We are ready, mi amor." 

He brings out his engraved mandolin and strums some notes. "Everyone, hold hands!"

They all link hands with Mel and Bumva laying a hand on Will's shoulders.

"A song of transportation,
Doesn't need much inspiration.  
For the plot of graves we go, 
Where bravery isn't needed though."

Within a blink, they arrive at the cemetery. Some people jump from their sudden presence, but they catch their breaths. The now-seeing mage sniffs the cold air attempting to eat through his winter clothes.

His ears pick up the near silence of the resting place. 

Claude points towards the center. "Phineas' grave is over there. You can't miss it."

Without any fear, his boots crunch on their way to that destination. His former teacher is right because of the mage's statue pointing to the heavens. 

"Here lies Phineas. His notable deeds: Slaying the Magma Dragon and being Engla's greatest mage and teacher to all," his plaque reads.

Will tilts his head quizzically upon looking at the statue's face. Phineas has a short beard and looks a lot younger than he imagined.

"One of his last wishes was to make a statue of him in his youth. That old coot was young at heart after all," Claude lightly jokes.

"He really was."

Luis steps forward to join them. "Magic, even the teachings of it, always got him excited for each day. I'm envious of him for that."

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