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Will, Bumva, and Melody walk down the red carpet of the Engla castle to speak with the King and Queen. Near the royals of Engla are a winter blonde woman with her husband. The representatives of House Salentia. Dark circles and puffy cheeks rest below their emerald eyes.

The news of losing their daughter, Elizabeth, has hit them the hardest. The cleric they enlisted found her ashes in a furnace to hide what House Vinum did to her. Another nail in their heart was the betrayal from Garth who they treated as part of their family. In their eyes, rage, sadness, and partial relief that justice had been served.

"Melina" testifies her account as Queen Melody's handmaiden who witnessed the horrible acts of House Vinum. That she was kept away from the heroes who tried to stop her.

The king bangs his fist against his armrest. What he knew of Arthur and Garth was a complete lie. He clears his throat. "We were already told by the commander that you wanted to use House Vinum's finances to preserve her kingdom. Is that correct?"

"It is, Your Majesty", William affirms. "And....we want to pay for Elizabeth's headstone and costs. She was innocent in all of this."

Her mother steps forward. "Mr. Bennett, we appreciate it. Our baby girl..."

More tears stream down her face. Her husband holds her close.

"Melina" walks over to them. "Once I find my footing here, I will honor her memory."

Her magenta eyes give them hope that things will be alright.

Elizabeth's mom embraces her deeply.

"It's okay, darling. Just focus-"

Mel wipes her tears. "I will honor Elizabeth. Was she...your only child?"

Mr. Salentia shakes his head. "She was among our blessings. I just wish that we knew sooner."

Will and Bumva walk over and comfort the couple with deep hugs and condolences. The king and queen are moved to tears for their loss.

The king wipes his face. "Mr. and Mrs. Salentia, I promise that her name will live on in the history books. What was her favorite thing to do?"

Mrs. Salentia gathers herself. "She loved to read. Romance, history, whatever she could get her hands on."

"Then I will change the name of our largest library to her name," the king makes his ruling. With a snap of his fingers, his note taker adds that in.

Small grins crack against their faces. A peaceful memento of their late daughter.

The queen clears her throat. "Let it be done. And the news of what happened shall spread throughout each kingdom. Mr. Bennett, your great reward along with the money is anything that you wish besides the crown."

"I think a large house with a large vineyard will be fine. Plus, some things for a distillery to preserve Albarino's wine for many years to come. Mel will be in charge of that business since she knows more about that than I do."

Her ruby ports sparkle for his great consideration of her people. She now knows how to honor the late Elizabeth. "And I will dedicate some profits to her library from what I make," she asserts with confident ruby ports.

The Salentia couple acknowledges after some initial resistance.

"That's all you desire?" the queen asks William.

"Oh, and no more mandatory adventures for me. I just want to rest and enjoy time with my future wives."

"As you wish. Let it be written in and recorded for what you want. We shall give you a letter that will bypass all the laws for the house you desire," before the king motions them to wait outside the throne room.

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