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Will shoots up from his chair. The wine bottle almost spills onto the table, but Garth catches it. The knight just revealed a horrible truth: his father was there the day the Skeleton Queen got married.

"I-I had no idea. Why didn't you bring that up back then?" the bard asks with curious intention.

"Because they would have never allowed me to go on a quest for vengeance. I asked multiple times for me to attend with the other groups, but they refused. Now that that vile monster is stronger, they finally accepted," he grips his knees out of pent-up frustration. "I now have a chance to make things right for my family."

"I understand that feeling and I won't stop you. I will support you every step of the way," Will assures him with rousing confidence.

The warrior smiles at him. "I know I can count on you. It feels good to let someone in on the truth."

"It is. Thanks for listening to my problem. What was his name?"


"A toast to avenging your father," Will takes a sip before passing the wine over.

Garth takes a swig of it and exhales. "This has aged nicely. Good night, William."

"Which room are you in?"


"I got 3. Lead me up the stairs, please."

He offers his arm and Garth leads him up the stairs to his room number. Will feels around for the keyhole and finds it.

"It has a small bed on the right with a pillow and a writing desk on the opposite side," Garth informs.

"Thanks. See you in the morning."

Garth leaves for his room. He takes off his entire set of armor, only leaving his tan undershirt and pants. He slides a knife under his pillow as a precaution.

Salt will keep the undead away, but not the living, he thinks.

He looks out the window to inspect the outside. Branches of trees dance to the wind. Leaves scatter around in the air as a full moon appears overhead. The salt circle around the inn remains stable due to the heaviness of it. His eyes widen.

A bird of darkness flutters on the outside of the circle with menacing azul eyes fixed upon him. He glares back to avoid showing fear to the reported companion of the Queen.

It lets out a shrill cry as a message. We are watching you.

The raven flies off into the night sky. He goes to his bed and lays down. Instead of sleeping, he imagines the eventual fight between him and the Skeleton Queen. A simulation of every advantage and obstacle taken into acc-


The floorboards outside make noise as someone sneaks around. Light, yet noticeable. He takes out a knife and moves part of it under the door. The reflection gives him peace as it's just Gwenyth heading up the stairs with some soda bread.

He goes back to bed and thinks about Beth. Her blonde, wavy hair that flew beautifully in the wind. Her lean body dancing against his at parties. Her fair skin that he would kiss. Her emerald eyes that would sparkle with joy. The argument he had with her.

Anger has him grip the hilt of his knife, but he will use every ounce of it to avenge his father.....

William tosses and turns in bed from the fight he had with the zombie. If he didn't move his arm in time, it would have been over for him. He's thankful to the gods that he was able to speak with most of his loved ones before leaving the city. Still, he wishes Bumva could be right here with him.

The Skeleton QueenWhere stories live. Discover now