Mind Reader

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William stops playing and the golden orb that illustrated the memorable parts of his life disappears from sight. He rests the mandolin on his lap and places his palms flat on it. He straightens his back to prepare himself for the Skeleton Queen's version of events.

"So what did you think?" he asks.

Her magenta eyes avert his face. "You can see Bumva again, but you know what you have to do."

"How many times will I say I won't hurt you unless you force me?"

"Then maybe we should drop the pretenses. Your life stories were pleasing to me, but one of us will have to die at the end. I refuse to let go of my people again!"

Her fingers are close to his throat, but hesitation stops her from going through it.

"What about your life story?" the bard asks without a trace of fear in his voice.

"Why does it matter? I killed your friend!"

She tries to sound prideful, but shame betrays her voice.

"Hector told me you regretted killing those heroes who tried to stop you. That you would cry yourself to sleep every time it happened."

She glances over to her captain out of betrayal for telling this stranger her vulnerabilities. Hector deeply bows down as an apology.

"Queen Melody, help me know you and tell me about what happened on your wedding day. I want to know the truth."

She sits down and clutches her knees to her chest. She then feels the boney hand of Hector rubbing her back. She then feels Will's hands on her jeweled fingers. Soft and warm to her liking.

"Sorry. I should have asked first," he backs up.

"C-Consider it a return of the favor for what I did earlier."

She waves her hand and the skeletal bodies of the former children run out to be with them. Emilia holds her hand while "looking" at her. The little girl pats her hand to give her strength. The Queen gives her a warm smile for her encouragement. She kisses the top of her skull before getting up.

She takes steps towards the bard while summoning something to her hand. The bard hears the flipping of paper pages before she sets the book down.

"It would be best to show you. You will be looking through my eyes as I hold your hands. Cut a mark across your head to start the process. If you want to stop, let me know."

He gets out his silver sword. "How big of a cut are we talking? And will I catch anything if you do this as well?"

"Just enough to get some blood out and no. This spell will prevent any diseases from being passed onto you. It's meant to give someone their perspective on a previous life."

He quickly cuts himself and he winces as red blood trails down his head. Melody touches the blood and draws a symbol that he feels out. An upside-down wavy u surrounded by a circle on his forehead. She then cuts her forehead with her fingernail to make the same symbol. Violet blood trails down her nose as she holds his hands.

"I will now press my head against that symbol. Don't get any ideas," she warns.

"I understand," with no joke or flirt behind it.

She mutters something between her lips that William couldn't understand. She then presses her head against that symbol.

Their bodies glow as William feels a chill going down his spine. His instincts warn him to stop from seeing what will transpire. He ignores them to find the truth.

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