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I was woken up by the door opening. I opened my eyes and was met by Mazwi walking in,looking so pissed. 

"And then?" I asked thinning my eyes.

"Ungaqali nje, ngiyakcela(please, just don't start)"

"Yhoo okay fine ke bhuti" I rolled my eyes as I reached for my phone from the pedestal.

He made his way to the bathroom leaving the whole bedroom reeking of alcohol. Talking about a hypocrite. Nxelela ngaledoda kemnake.

I got out of bed and cleaned up the bedroom,making the bed.

I got done and made my way downstairs to make myself some coffee and to prepare breakfast. Yamkela always came at me for not having my own personal chef and helper to help me out cause its not like I cant afford to and I mean I  could but feeling useless or unproductive is not a nice feeling,Besides my mother told me that if a man provides then a woman's job is to cater for him.

I got started with making a omelette with mushroom,cheese and bacon with bread on the side. As I finished up Mazwi walked in the kitchen still in a foul mood.

He comes to sit on the high chair across me as I prepared food looking like the whole world is against him.

"Not going to work?" I ask focusing on what I'm doing.

"No,not today. Listen Yondela we need to talk"

My eyebrows shoot up looking at him. "Yolanda? Where am I, Home affairs?"

"Please come sit next to me"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him wiping my hands. "What is it?"

He looked at me without saying anything.

"What is it baby?"

"No its nothing. I need to go"he stood up quickly searching for his car keys.

"Haybo I was preparing breakfast"

"Sorry babe but I really have to go"he says reversing his way out of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes exhaling. Whats up with this guy honestly.

I dished up for myself and poured myself a cup of espresso before making my way out to the patio to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather outside.

I settled down and ate while scrolling on Instagram replying to the comments on my posts from yesterdays event.

As I was replying my phone ringed and a foreign number was displayed on my screen. I slid my finger across the screen answering and placed it on speaker mode.

"Hey,is this Mrs Gumede

"Who's asking?"

"Listen ma'am I wont be long I just wanted  to warn you woman to woman that things are about to get messy and that whatever happens just know I never meant to hurt you or destroy your marriage but Mazwi needs to be taught a lesson"

"Wait what? Who is this?"

"Mazwi destroyed my future ma'am and he needs to pay"

"What the hell are you on about ntombazana ndini"

"You will soon find out"

She dropped the call. I looked at the screen and scoffed shaking my head like are people going mad. I tried to call the number again but it went straight to voicemail. I called Mazwi and he picked up on my third attempt.

"Mazwi just tell me what the hell is happening right now,who is this woman calling me and what business does she have with you?"

"Baby listen I can explain"

"Eyy ungakulinge undiphabanise (don't drive me mad),  just tell me whats going on and ngoku( now)"

"It was a moment of weakness maGumede and it didn't mean anything"

I dropped the call and stood up. I could feel my heart racing and my hands shaking as I breathed heavily. I took my phone and tried to call the number that called earlier but it still went to voicemail. A message popped up on my screen and it was from Yamkela: Go on twitter now

The moment I opened Twitter my timeline was flooded by pictures of Mazwi with this girl in bed. I switched off my phone and made my way inside the house to our bedroom.

I took out black bags and walked straight to our closet throwing in every clothing item that belongs to him inside the bag as tears streamed down my face. This motherfucker after everything,everything that he put me through he then goes fucking around with teenagers and not only that,he also makes sure that everyone knows that I'm just a stupid wife who cant keep a man. Its one thing to betray me like but to publicly humiliate me like this.

I hear his car drive in and rushed out back downstairs. He walked in and I took off my shoes throwing it at him.

"You son of a bitch"I hissed as I broke down in tears.

"I'm so sorry sthandwa Sam I really never meant for all of this to happen"


"Don't be crazy Yolanda I have never stopped loving you. I love you"

I laughed angrily wiping my tears. "Rhaaa uyinja Mazwi,all this freakin time. How many more woman have you cheated on me with?"

"Dont be ridiculous Yola-

"Sundixelela ngobubanxa bobu ridiculous cause I noticed the change in you a long time ago dammit. I knew something was off but I didn't think you'd betray me like this"

"I'm sorry"he defeatedly utters.

"Sorry? I really hope it was worth it" I pushed him out of the way making my way upstairs to out bedroom. I took all of his clothes and threw them out the door before locking the bedroom door.

I got in bed and cried myself to sleep.

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