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"maGumede please open the door so we can talk" Mazwi pleaded knocking on our bedroom door.

I remained quiet,laying on my back as tears effortlessly streamed sideways my face.

He has been knocking on that door for over an hour now begging me to open the door while arguing with his baby mama on the other hand. The fact that she is still here is what makes me mad cause if he is really sorry then what the hell is that bitch still doing here.

"MaGumede...ngiyakcela sthandwa sami vula sizokhuluma (please my love open the door so that we can talk)"

I wiped my tears reaching for my phone to call my mom. She picked up on my first try.


I silently broke down in tears not saying a word.

"Yoli usekhona (are you there)?

"Mama I cant...I cant do this anymore"

"Utetha ngabtoni Yoli? (What are talking about Yoli?)"

"This marriage mama...I tried to make it work I really did mama its not working and now there's a baby involved...I just cant"

"Yoli I told you this is not easy and you said you were goanna fight for your marriage what changed?"

"I thought I could but I cant...I cant do it anymore mama"

"Yoli calm down and just talk to your husband,communicate how you feel cause now you just in pain. Its just your anger talking, I told you marriage is not easy yo-

I smashed my phone against the wall screaming. The one Person I thought would understand the pain that I'm going through is the same person telling me to persevere.


I ignored him and it didn't take long before I heard a loud thud on the door, he did this about three times and on the fourth the door went swinging open.

I looked at him as he held his shoulder panting. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?"I croaked looking at him.

He looked around the room and his eyes finally landed on the phone pieces on the floor. He looked at me with a sorry look and I think for the first time I actually saw regret on his eyes.

He attempted to walk up to me but it took a deadly look from me to make him have second thoughts about that.

"I know you don't believe me but...I really never meant for all of this to happen. I was stupid"

I looked at him and scoffed looking away.

"This whole thing just feels like a nightmare Londi was never meant to be more than just a fling or an affair whatever the hell she was...I just want you to stay and help me deal with this"

I look at him as I felt a new wave of tears escaping my eyes,I stood up from the bed walking over him and finally stopped in front of him looking him straight in his eyes. "Mazwi look at me"I ordered hugging myself.

He lifted his head up.

"Look straight into my eyes damnit, face me like a fucken man"

He sighed vefore looking straight into my eyes with a sorry look onnhis face.

"I already knoenthe truth Mazwi, this marriege is over and I dont knownwhy do you wanna keep me around because one thing we both know is you dont love me a-

"No I do"

Then look at me and tell me you love me,look straight in my eyes and tell me you love me"I hissed.

He looked at me. "I...I lo-

"Stop it,the show is over now Mazwi just take off your flippin mask"

"MaGumede do you want me to say I hate you?"


"I NEVER WANTED TO MARRY YOU!!! I was not ready to have a wife and I never wanted to take a wife. I-I never wanted all of this but here we are because of my father. You this is easy for me? Having to be tied down and having to take all these responsibilities and put on this facade everyday? I NEEDED AN ESCAPE AND LONDI PROVIDED JUST THAT!!! with her I never felt pressured to do anything,with her everything was just simple and satisfying-


"I NEVER SAID THAT!!! I just feel better,safer,happier around her and its not your fault"

I took off my ring and threw it at him before walking past him making my way downstairs.

I heard his footsteps behind me and it didn't take long before I felt his strong hold grabbing my arm.

"Yolanda where the hell will you go at this time of the night"

"Far away from the place. Now leave me alone". I pulled my arm away before taking car keys from the key holder and walking out.


I found myself driving to the beach,maybe it will make me feel better cause right now I just want all this pain to stop. I felt a new wave of tears as I broke down in tears replaying what Mazwi said to me. He never loved me at all,this marriage that I put my all to save was all a lie and I just wasted the best of me in something that would've never worked out. How can I be so stupid? Yhoo

I took a deep breath wiping my tears. Its over now though,I'm done with him.

I took my phone and called Yamkela connecting it to the car audio. She picked up on the second try.


" were right all along about him"

"About what?"

"Mazwi, he ne-

I heard a car hooting and screamed at the sight of a car flashing straight at me.

I heard a loud crash and everything spinned around...

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