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"just received a text from his mom saying they just landed" I updated looking at Yamkela who was busy helping me prepare dinner for our unwanted guests.

"who is fetching them from the airport?"

I shrug. "probably Mazwi, I don't even care"

"as lo-

Her phone rings cutting her off and she quickly wiped her hands with a table cloth before rushing to pick it up. I watched her as she agreed to whatever the other person on the end of the line was saying and after the brief call she left the kitchen making her way towards the door.

I was left to continue checking on the pots trying to not think about what's about to come.

A few minutes later I heard voices talking coming from the door. A voice I'm not foreign to.

I stopped to look towards the direction of the voice and it didn't take long before my father's sister, aunty Nokubonga walked in followed by Yamkela. I looked at Yamkela furrowing my eyebrows.

"yewethu khawuzo hugger dabawo wakho, waske wandithi twahla ngamehlo (don't just stand there and look at me, come hug your aunt)" she exclaims with her loud, deep voice. I melted out of my shock and walked up to her to embrace her into a hug. She held me tighter and I broke down in tears.

She comforted me, gently brushing my back. This right here is exactly what I needed, to be told that everything is going to be okay and I don't need to worry about anything, my dad still finds a way to show me that she is always there even when I don't notice or feel it.

After gathering myself up I broke the hug and she lead me outside to the patio so we can talk alone while Yamkela got done with the cooking.

"You just like your father, waiting until things get out of hand just becuase you don't want to reach out for help. I don't know what is it with you two that makes you think ignoring problems will make them disappear, it's one thing that made me fight with your dad everytime and you exactly like him cause if you had told us that you weren't happy in your marriage then we would've dealt with this before it got to this"

"after mom fought with you guys it wasn't easy for us to continue our relationship with dad's side of the family becuase we felt like you guys not wanting anything to do with her means that you didn't want anything to do with us. It felt like the whole family abondoned us so I couldn't bring myself to reach out to anyone from dad's side of the family"

She sucks her teeth folding her arms. "we had valid reasons for cutting off your mother. The only regret we have was allowing her to take you guys away from us cause look at you, my brother must be turning in his grave. Where the hell is Lindelwa and why the hell is she allowing you to go through this if she is such a great mother?"

I remained silent cause I really don't have an answer for that. Nothing can justify my mom's action even though I love her to death.

"All these years I'm thinking you happy and married kanti you suffering in the hands of a man after my brother did an amazing job raising you and your sisters, all for a fool from KZN to treat you like you some whore with no value and the worst part is I had to find out everything from a call with Yamkela and not you yhuu" she claps once in frustration before folding her arms.

"it wasn't always bad" I lowly uttered.

"What did you do when you started noticing that he was changing, yewethu sisi it's your responsibility to teach a man how to treat you. I'm not saying it's your fault that things are the way they are but I'm saying you allowed it. You just like your father you always making excuses and justifying the actions of everyone that wrongs you, not everyone deserves your kindness and your patience mntanam sometimes it's best to leave a person no matter how much you love that person to protect yourself. Look at me I'm on my third marriage now and that's because I never endured shit from anyone, you can't always put people before you cause you going to suffer" she goes on looking frustrated.

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