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After our late night drive Nkosi and I had  we lost track of time watching the views and talking about literally everything that we  drove back to the city at 02:00am in the morning and he insisted that I sleep over at his place cause he has plenty of bedrooms and his petrol is low. That was just his excuse of spending more time with me.

When we got to the house he borrowed me his pajama T shirt, his socks and gown cause it rained on our way back to his place and I was so cold by the time we got to his place. I slept in the guest bedroom and he slept in his and he ensured that I was comfortable with everything before going to sleep.

I couldn't really sleep cause the moment my head hit the pillow everything that transpired everything came flooding back.  I only managed to sleep a few hours and woke up  around my time to jog and wore the big fuzzy and warm gown he offered. His scent was all over it you'd swear he did it on purpose and boy does he smell good. Sanaaa.

I made my way tor the bathroom to rinse my mouth and face before making my way downstairs. I found him also  awake sitting in the dining table typing something on his laptop.

"morning"  I greet making my way to him.

"morning, You are up early" he says averting his eyes from the laptop to me.

"This is my jogging time so I'm used to waking up this time"

"okay, if you could allow me to finish up here real quick and then I'll get started with breakfast"

"What? No you've been catering to me I think it's only fair I carer for you for once"

"oh?" he says smiling looking at me.

"mhmm" I nod giggling. "but don't have high expectations I'm not as skilled as you are but I'm confident when it come to my baking"

"amaze me then"

I took off the gown and threw it at him and he laughed watching me as I walked to the kitchen wearing his big T shirt that fitted me like a dress.

I got to the kitchen and wore an apron before getting started with making muffins.

It took me a while to get the hang of how things are packed in the kitchen and once I did everything else became easier. I made a little muffin mixture and made three batches of bran muffins.

As soon I got done I got started with plating two bran muffins on two side plates and making coffee for the both of us. I grabbed a tray and placed all the coffee ingredients and the side plate with muffins before taking it to him.

"breakfast is served" I said placing the tray on the table.

"okay, ngiyabona ukhiphe unyawo (I can see you outdid yourself)"

" why are you over exaggerating? You haven't even tasted now I don't trust your judgment"

"haybo it looks good and it smells good so I'm giving you points for that"

"okay then, taste"

"awuthi sibone (let's see)" he says taking a muffin to take a bite.

He takes a bite off and munches with an unreadable expression on his face. I looked at him waiting for his judgment.

"What?" he asks before taking another bite.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me your thoughts haybo lomntu"

He shakes his head taking another bite. "uyishayile (you did it)"

I shrug proudly dusting off my shoulders. "who am I?"

He laughs at me reaction taking another bite. "yeah no, one of the best bran muffins I've ever tasted"

"amanga (lies)"

"haybo, I'm serious don't sell yourself short these are great, trust me"

"mmkay, if you say so"

I went to take my plate and  coffee and joined him in indulging the muffins.

As we were talking I got a text from dabawo asking me my whereabouts and informing me that she is moving Yamkela and I in with her for safety.

I sent her a reply telling her thst I slept over at Nkosi's and I'll be main gmy way there in an hour.

"Well I need to get going" I inform him switching off my phone.

"now? I thought we were spending the day together  I mean even the weather permits" he says and I chuckle.

"do you think that's a good idea? Like think about it" I ask thinning my eyes and he shrugs bending his mouth.

"the answer is no bhuti. I'll go get ready then you can drop me off"

I stood up taking the dishes to the kitchen. I made my way back to him to ask for permission to shower cause I really don't know how these things work anymore like do I just shower or what? He just laughed at me making fun of how innocent I sound.

I left him making my way upstairs to take a shower. Luckily the guest bathroom had fresh towels and some essential toiletries and I managed to use them to shower. After doing my hygiene routine I got dressed in the clothes I was wearing yesterday.

I made my way downstairs to look for him and he was not where I left him. I made my way back upstairs to his bedroom and knocked on his door, he opened the door and I froze looking at his bare chest, he had a towel carelessly wrapped around his waist.

I looked at him swallowing hard as my eyes traveled to his face. "yy.... I will just wait for... I'm gonna wait outside the...."I closed my eyes and felt his hand lifting my chin up and it  didn't take long before I felt his lips smash against mine. I wrapped my arms his neck and he picked me up while still passionately kissing me. I let out a soft moan as he went down on my neck planting wet kisses, his warm breaths sending tinglings down my spine. I took off my shirt and he placed me on his bed.

"do you want me to stop?" he asks in between the kisses.

"no, I'm fine" I managed to utter and that was the only approval he needed to work me...

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