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The following day I woke up early to go take my morning jog and by the time I got back to the apartment Yamkela had already left for her classes.

I cleaned up then made my way to pick my outfit for today before making my way to the bathroom to do my hygiene routine.

I got done and got dressed in my plitted white flowy skirt that went just below my knees in length pairing it with my nude brown bodysuit with short sleeves and a turtle neck. For shoes I opted for my Beige high heels and for my a hair a bob weave.

I called my lawyers office to confirm our meeting before requesting a ride on Uber.


I arrived at the law firm and was directed straight to Advocate Partons office. I knocked on her door and she looked up and melted into a smile, standing up to welcome me.

"Good morning soon to be Miss" she says embracing me in a hug.

I chuckle. "Good morning to you too"

"Please come take a sit"  she says closing her office door and indicating with her hand that I should take a sit on the open chair across her seat. I made my way to settle on the chair and she settled right across me with a warm smile on her face.

"How are you? I know that's a foolish question for someone here to contest for a divorce but I want to make this meeting more comfortable and casual than professional but if you uncomfortable by my way of doing things please me quick to tell me"

"No, it's okay I'd actually love that cause I'm quite nervous about this whole thing really. To answer your question today I woke up feeling angry, frustrated and at the same time at peace and excited it's all mixed emotions really" I answer sincerely.

"okay let's just dive in on the proceedings but before we can even go ahead with the divorce proceedings we'll first have to talk about our options and my advice to you on how you should take on this process and also what you can expect along this way right? "

I nod taking a deep breath.

The meeting took longer than expected but it was worth every minute. The consultation was very informative and I feel like I've really taken that one first step towards my freedom.

After the meeting she assured me that she will serve the divorce paper by the end of the week and my job is to gather up documents with all of our assets and everything that he owns so that she can know how much we could suck from him and that's exactly her words.

After the meeting Dabawo offered to come fetch me for a spa date.

I texted her as soon as I was done and 10 minutes later she called saying she was outside. We drove to the  spa salon and the moment we got there we signed in and changed into our robes and got served mimosas before making our way to our full body massage session.

"okay, this is so nice" I remarked as the masseuse got started with the massage.

"All thanks to Aaron, it was his idea" dabawo says

"he is too kind"

"So how did the meeting go?" she asks.

"great actually, I am really glad I decided on Miss Parton as my lawyer she is so understanding and informative"

"That's Great, it's important to have someone you can trust as a lawyer when going through a divorce cause the process sana? it's the pits"

"I really think I can trust her hey, and yeah by the end of the week Mazwi will be served the divorce papers and my only job is to make sure thst I have all documents that show our assets and what he owns so that I can know what percentage I should get from that"

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