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Even though now that my leg is healed, I don't have physiotherapy anymore and I don't need to do exercises anymore I decided to continue with my morning exercises by jogging every morning and for a short distance of course since my leg is not fully healed yet. The last thing I want is to put pressure on it only for it to get painful.

After my jog in the morning I got home and took a shower and by the time I made my way to prepare breakfast, Yamkela already done and ready to go to school.

"morning mntase"

"morning to you too mntase" I greeted taking a sit on the high chair. "please pass me bowl and the box of cereal.

" slept well? "she asks handing me a bowl.

" yep"I nonchalantly answered pouring the cereal on my bowl.

I paused and looked at her as I felt her eyes piercing through me. "what is it?"

"yesterday I heard you crying while passing by your bedroom so I know that you not okay... you don't have to act strong around me mntase"

"It's not something I want to talk about"

"but you have to"

"says who?" I snap angrily. "you don't understand what I'm going through, no one does. I pray to God every night to make my heart as cold and selfish as Mazwis so that I can also not care, so that I can also move on and do to him the things that he does to me BUT I CAN'T AND I HATE THAT I CANT. I HATE THAT I MISS HIM"

"You not thinking of going back to him right? I mean you've been doing good and you still are doing good... I might not know or understand how you feeling right now but I know you are capable enough and strong enough to go through with this"

"I'm not dumb enough to g-

My phone rings and I exhale answering.

" hello"

"Yolanda my baby, how are you?"

Yep that's non other than my mother in law.

"I'm fine ma, unjani wena(and you?)"

"Well I'm taking everyday as it comes mntanam. I'm calling to inform you that your uncle in law and I are on the way there so I'd appreciate it if you'd prepare for our arrival"


"yes mntanam, after I heard that Mazwi moved out of his marital home I realized that this situation is getting out of hand and it's time for us elders to intervene and deal with this in a regardful manner"

"but ma there is no situation to be dealt with"

"mntanam we've made up our minds and we are on our way to the airport, we already called Mazwi informing him of this"

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. "okay ma, I'll wait to hear from you"

"no problem mntanam we'll inform you the moment we land"

I dropped the call and sucked my teeth annoyed. "bitch"

"let me guess, that was your mother in law trying to meddle in your marriage like always"

"I'm just praying for her sake that I don't lose it cause I'm so close to losing the little respect I have left for her. I don't know why can't she find something to do with her life than to try and control everything"

"You know you don't have to take her nonsense anymore right?"

I nod. "I'm just... I'm scared of her, that woman is powerful in fact her whole family is so the last thing I want is to give her a reason to make my life hell. That woman is unforgiving and ruthless, I've seen her destroying people's brands and tarnishing people's name for his son. I know without a doubt that she would kill me for any harm done to his son"

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