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After the sleepless night I had, I received good news from my doctor confirming that I will be discharged today.

I immediately called Yamkela using the hospitals telephone asking her to book a hotel for me and buy me a comfortable outfit and some toiletries that I will wear when I leave this place.

She walks in as I paged through a mega zine to pass time by.

"You look better than yesterday, your face looks less swollen" she says walking in the two plastic bags and a paper bag from my favorite burger place.

"I feel better even, my head is less painful and my body is not numb" I affirm putting the megazine in my hand away.

"well that's good to hear, you will need the strength for what's happening on the socials" she says sitting down next to me

I looked at her furrowing my eyebrows.

"what's happening?"

"people are talking about your accident there by the socials and people are saying Londi is the one who orchestrated the whole thing and others are saying this is Mazwis failed attempt to sacrifice you for money"

I sucked my teeth. "to be honest I don't care about anything that has to do with the both of them"

"Im just glad that you done with him like I'm at my happiest, anyways I got your things here, hopefully I bought the correct size" she says placing the two plastic bags next to me.

I took the plastic with the clothing's taking out what's inside. I looked at her dropping my face as I held up the Grey leggings she bought. "you just had to"

"of course, this serves as a stamp that you finally have your freedom"

"I'm still married"

"Not really, the only thing declaring your marriage is a piece of paper but you girl you are a semi single woman"

"Yamkela that piece of paper is a mark of my blood, sweat and tears that I've put in to make my marriage work. That's what it is to me" I snapped.

She dropped her face, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"let me go take a shower, pass me my crutches"

She handed me my crutches and I got off the bed limping my way to the bathroom.

After literally showering sitting down, two nurses came to help me dress up and dress my leg into a cast boot. They also took of the bandage around my head replacing it with a patch over my scar.

Yamkela helped me pack the rest of my stuff then requested for a ride to my house to fetch my clothes.

We came to a halt in front of the gate and I asked the driver to hoot. The electronic gate opened and there were two man wearing a black uniform with the badge SM bodyguards written on them.

I lowered my window and indicated with my hand to one of the bodyguards to come.

"bhuti ndicela ubuza( sir Can I ask)  what's going on? I question furrowing my eyebrows.

" We are working ma'am"

"I can clearly see that?but why? Did something happen here?"

"We were only told to ensure that this place is guarded 24/7" he says shrugging.

I rolled the window back up and asked the driver to to stop closer to the door so I don't have to struggle my way inside.

As I got out of the car the door opened and Mazwi walked out.

"what's going on?" I ask looking at him.

"Londi received some threats from social media because people think she is the one responsible for your accident and now she doesn't feel safe so I had to hire bodyguards to make her feel safe"

"feel safe endlini kabani? ( in whose house?)" I ask furiously. This man doesn't take me seriously at all, the disrespect.

"MaGumede what was I supposed to do, put my child's life at risk?"

"I DON'T FUCKEN CARE MAZWI!! I'm supposed to feel sorry for her just because she is sleeping with you? I want her out of my house"

"MaGumede this person is scared for her life and she is carrying my child. I don't know what you expect me to do"

I sucked my teeth. "Yamkela let's just do what we came here to do" I said before limping my way past him, making my way inside the house.

I walked in and Yamkela followed behind holding the door for me. I found Londi sitting in the lounge watching TV with snacks next to her and to say she is having the time of her life would be an understatement. 

She stood up crossing her arms. "So you are alive and breathing, watching as my name gets tarnished"

"Londi you gonna sit back down and shut your fucken mouth. You not gonna disrespect my wife in her house" I hear MAZWI sternly saying from behind me.

Londi widened her eyes looking at him. I sigh tiredly, I don't have the strength for all of this.

"Yamkela please go upstairs to my bedroom to pack everything that belongs to me" I ask looking at the stairs. There is no way I can go up there without hurting myself.

"okay. Just shout if you need anything" she says making  her way up.

"Londi can you give us some space" Mazwi asks looking at Londi. They had a mini conversation with their eyes and it ended with Londi switching off the TV and taking her snacks making her way upstairs.

"can we go sit town and talk properly" he asks looking at me sincerely.

"We done talking Mazwi, nothing can be said now to amend everything you did"

"just a few minutes,. Please" he insists waiting for me to go sit down I limped my way to sit down on the couch and he came to sit on the space next to me.

He took my hand and I quickly pulled away. "awukwazi thetha ngomlomo? (can't you talk with your mouth)"

He exhales running his hands up and down his lap. "I get it, I understand you angry and overwhelmed, alot has happened for the past few weeks and I don't blame you. That's why I was thinking maybe we should go on a weekend away to unwind and restart...if after that you still feel like ending our marriage is what you want then I will take it"

" Remember when I asked you to clear your schedule so that we can take a weekend away so that we can spend some quality time together for our anniversary? Remember how you told me to stop pestering you about useless things and that I am too old to be this needy, I must must find something to keep me occupied if I'm so bored cause you have businesses to run. Do you remember? "

" I do and I'm sorry sthandwa Sam, I was too overwhelmed by everything around me"

"You mean you were making babies and having the time of your life while I was busy fighting for this marriage. Mazwi let's not waste our time this ship has sunk and there is no way you can save it"

He looked at me trying to maintain eye contact and I returned the stare unbothered.

"This is what you wanted Mazw-

We heard screaming coming from upstairs.

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