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The following morning I was woken up by a call from Kevin informing me that he managed to pull some strings and the Bona magazine has agreed to publish my story and not only that but they also agreed that the story is good enough to make front page.The interview will be Today at 12pm.

After our call I decided to go for a jog to refresh my mind and the whole time I kept getting flashbacks from yesterday. My mind just couldn't stay away from Nkosi and the thought of him made me feel so excited and happy. I literally find myself stupid for acting like some love struck teenager at my age I mean I haven't even signed divorce papers yet and I'm busy gushing over a man I've only got to really know a few days ago.

Upon getting home after my jog I found Yamkela in the kitchen making herself lunch in a rush.

"You late again?"

"yes,   I didn't hear my alarm ring. Shit" she says stuffing her lunch in her lunch box.

"I have some news kesana"

She looks at me narrowing her eyes. "what? Is it about you and Nkosi? Did you guys fuck, I'm sure you did-

" HAYBO! wenja (bitch) what do you take me for and why would I tell you that? Why? "

She laughed at my reaction."one would swear you are a virgin the way you respect sex"

"no why? Why are we talking about this" I ask cringing.

"You can say sex, it's normal and it's really not that deep" she says chuckling.

I shake my head in disgust. "Yamkela sies marn. Can I tell you the news or you still want to continue with your sex conversation?"

She laughs shaking her head. "no, please go ahead"

"I have an interview with Bona today for my divorce article"

"Okay, I'm quite unsure about you doing this kodwa ke is it what you want?"

"I mean yeah, I am tryna heal myself and if talking about it and sharing my story with the world is part of my healing journey then sure"

"Then you have my full support sis, I'll be backing you the whole way"  she says zipping her lunch bag.

"Thanks, that means alot" I gratefully say smiling at her.

"You know I got you. Now back to our conversation your telling me you and Nkosi didn't get dirty?"

" what's wrong with you today? " I ask making my way to the bedroom leaving her laughing at me.

I made my way straight to take a shower. After my hygiene routine I got dressed in black leggings and my over sized white shirt, rolling up the sleeves stylishly. I wore some sneakers to finish off the look.

As soon as I got done getting ready I ubered to the location Kevin sent me.

I was welcomed by Kevin at Bonas media house and he lead me inside to where the journalist in charge of my story was. I greeted everyone on my way in, yeah that what happens when you are always the topic of articles, everyone seems to know you.

Kevin lead me to a office where I found a lady sitting, typing on her laptop. She lifted her eyes up at me and stood up greeting me. She does not seem so welcoming or kind but we not here to make friends are we.

I settled down on a chair and Kevin settled down just next to me.

"You must be Yolanda Gumede" she says settling back down on her chair.

"I am Yolanda not sure about Gumede though"

"okay, I think I should get straight on the interview so let's get started shall we?" she says taking out a tape recorder and pressing it.

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