Chapter 4-Stars

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Trigger warnings: mentions of blood, dead bodies, scars, Newt's incident, depression.

4 months later

Months passed and Newt and I became best friends. I also formed good friendships with Zart, Frypan and Minho, who had become sort of a brother figure. He reminded me of someone I can't remember. I had strange dreams almost every night along with the occasional flash of disconnected glimpses into memories. At least I thought they were memories, most of the fractured dreams made little sense except for a couple. A woman smiling at me, the sound of a gunshot, corridors covered in blood and littered with bodies, a house by the sea and myself laughing with two boys, their faces blurry and unrecognisable. My arm ached occasionally but not often and the red wound had healed fully. Another pale scar took its place.

I woke up in the very early morning to a noise, the sound of the door to our room being open and closed with a click. I looked over the Newts' now empty bed and slipped out of bed. I tugged on my shoes and I grabbed a spare blanket to wrap around myself. Cold air blew through cracks in the wooden walls. I quietly opened the door and walked down the stairs to look for Newt. I found him in the kitchen pouring a drink of water. His back faced me but I heard him crying softly. I moved slowly so as to not startle him, he turned his head to look at me and quickly wiped away his tears. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, he buried his face into my neck. I rubbed circles on his back as he sobbed into me. Newt told me last month what happened to him, how he got his limp. It broke my heart to know how much pain he was in. I didn't know how he managed to hide it so well, he told me it was getting better but I could never be sure.

"Do you want to go to the lookout tower?" I asked him quietly and I felt him nod and I guided him outside and across the Glade to the tower. I helped him climb up and we lay down on the top and stared up at the stars that are dusted all over the sky. I pulled the blanket over both of us so we weren't cold. I moved so I could look at Newt, tears still slipped down his face. I reached up and gently wiped them from his face, he leaned into my hand and moved close to me.

"I'm sorry for being a burden," he whispered, his dark eyes stared into mine.

"Newt, you're not a burden."

"I am, just admit it. Don't bother lying to me."

"You're not a burden," I repeated, firmer this time. I stared into his eyes to prove I'm not lying.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising," I told him and brushed a lock of his hair out of his eyes. "I know it's hard to believe but we will find a way here eventually. The runners will find a way and then I will beat up whoever put us here."

Newt took a deep breath and looked back up at the stars. I was suddenly very aware of how close we were and I blushed. Luckily the darkness hid it but Newt noticed me staring at him and made a face.



"Hm, I don't believe you."

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at the sky. The sudden sense of déjà vu hit me and I got swept away by how strong it was. For a second, I could picture laying under the stars with another boy. Newt poked me and I was forced back into the present.

"I've been saying your name several times, you okay?"

"I'm fine, just kinda cold."

In response Newt moved even closer and I drew in a sharp breath. Newt wrapped his arm around me and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Sorry did I hurt you?"

"No you didn't, I'm fine."

"What was that gasp then?"

"Nothing," I told him, I knew he didn't believe me. Newt frowned but didn't push the subject any further.

"Why did you wake up earlier? Bad dreams?" I asked him and he tensed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"You left me," was all he said and a tear ran down his face which I brushed away with my hand, his eyes fluttered shut.

"I promise I'll never leave you."

Newt opened his eyes and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"I know," he whispered into my hair. We lay there under the stars for a while longer before I started to shiver a bit and Newt started to get up. Newt offered me a hand and I took it, he pulled me up and I picked the blanket up from the floor and wrapped it around myself. When we reached the ground Newt caught my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I squeeze his hand and smile at him. I wrapped half the blanket around him and together we walked back to our room. He crawled into bed and tapped the spot next to him.

"Please, I need you to hold me. Everything feels better when you're holding me," Newt said softly. His words warmed my heart and I blushed, I kicked off my boots and crawled onto his bed and he pulled me close against him so I wouldn't fall off. He arranged the blankets to cover us and wrapped his arm around me.

"I changed my mind, I'm going to hold you, not the other way around," Newt whispered in my ear. He pulled me even closer so I was half lying on him, I laughed softly and nuzzled into him. He ran his hand through my hair and rubbed circles on my back like I did to him earlier.

"Goodnight Newtie."

"Goodnight, love."

I smiled at the nickname, he only used it occasionally but each time it made me feel like I was floating. I drifted off fairly quickly into one of the best sleeps I've had.

Newt POV

"Please, I need you to hold me. Everything feels better when you're holding me," I told her truthfully, I watched her reaction. Her eyes went wide and she looked away slightly. For a moment I'm scared that she thought I was being creepy like some of the other boys and that she would say no but she kicked off her boots and started to crawl into the space next to me. I pulled her closer so she wouldn't fall off the bed. I tugged at the blankets and pulled them so they were covering us. I was very aware of how close she was to me.

"I changed my mind, I'm going to hold you, not the other way around," I whispered in her ear, her hair tickling my face. I pulled her closer so that she was lying with her head on my chest. She surprised me by laughing and moving as close as she could get to me. My hand ran through her hair and I rubbed her back.

"Goodnight Newtie," I smiled at the nickname.

"Goodnight love."

I found myself suddenly very aware of how my feelings had changed for her. I lay there for a long time thinking about her. I was so in love with all of her, her smile that seemed to shine brighter than the sun, her hypnotising and playful eyes, how she made me laugh so easily. I leaned in and lightly kissed her head. I fell asleep thinking of her.

3rd Person POV

Alby was confused when Newt or Y/n didn't show up for breakfast in the morning, usually the pair were some of the first to eat breakfast. He decided to search for them and headed first to their room. He knocked and waited for someone to respond but all was silent. He slowly opened the door to reveal Newt and Y/n cuddling in bed. Newt had his arms around Y/n and Y/n's face was buried into Newt. Alby smiled and shut the door. He was glad Y/n arrived in the Glade. Newt seemed to be getting better with her here. 

1354 words 

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