Chapter 80-Thomas's Plan

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Warnings: blood, fighting, inaccurate description of a concussion, pain.

Newt POV
I woke Frypan up later, I wasn't sure where Thomas was. He was probably packing supplies to run away all by himself. Alex was already up, quietly grabbing his bag.
Aaliyah was asleep where Y/n should have been. I guessed that she couldn't sleep and had gone somewhere to relax.
I glanced at Sonya, sleeping next to Aris and Harriet. I wished I could remember her, it would be nice to have a sister. Perhaps Nikolai could bring the memories back when we got him out.
The three of us snuck into the car shed and didn't have to wait a long time before he showed up.
"Where do you think you're going then?" I asked, and Thomas looked up from his bag. He stopped walking, and I flicked on the light, a smile already in my face.
He sighed, "Newt..."
I stopped leaning on the car and walked towards him.
"Don't be a twat about it. I'm already in," I took the bag from his hands. "Come on."
"No. No, not this time," Thomas followed me, I turned around and leaned against the vehicle again. "Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this."
"Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" I opened the front door and Frypan leaned into view.
"Hey, Thomas," he grinned.
Alex wound down the window and smirked. Thomas scoffed.
"Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way too," I watched him give in.
"Okay, let's go get him back."

Sunlight glared down through gaps in the dull grey sky as we drove closer to mountains. It reflected off the dry land surrounding us on all sides, straining my eyes. The land itself was bare of most vegetation except for shrubs and dying trees.
Hours later, when the sun was high in the sky, we came across our first obstacle.
An old infection checkpoint.
The abandoned building was starting to become overrun with plants. Old cars littered the fenced off area, ruined and rusting. Fry stopped the car at the entrance to a tunnel, the seemingly only way on. We all got out and got a better look at it. I kept my hand on my gun just in case. Alex squinted into the darkness, trying to make out anything.
"You want us to go in there?" I turned to Tommy, "I don't want to come across as too negative but if I was a Crank, that's exactly where I would be."
"I agree," Alex said immediately.
Tommy had a good look at the map, "I don't think we have much of a choice."
I sighed and stared at the tunnel, this was going to go well. I turned and headed back for the truck. "All right, I get shotgun."
Fry slowly drove into the tunnel. The car dipped slightly as we went over a pothole, making my stomach drop. The energy in the car was anxious, prepared for what we would find. Fry turned on the lights, lighting up most of the darkness close to us. I shone a flashlight around, reaching the darkest parts.
"Well, here we go," Fry grumbled, clearly not happy about what I'd dragged him into.
"Yeah, just take it nice and slow," I felt a little bad but knew he didn't really mind.
He just thought we should have prepared better.
Alex was in the back with Tommy. Fry slowly drove through a maze of wrecked cars.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Fry stopped the truck.
Hidden by the shadows ahead, stood a Crank. Fry looked over his shoulder to look at Alex and reassure himself that we were under his protection. The Crank coughed and gagged on something, probably blood.
"It's okay, it's just one," Tommy broke the silence. "Take it slow, go around it. We'll be fine."
"Take it slow," Fry repeated.
Alex sighed and I wound my window up.
Tommy yelped suddenly. I spun around in my seat to see a woman at the window. Her eyes were wide and she smiled in an unsettling way. The woman pressed her hands against the glass, staring straight at Tommy.
The woman tapped on the glass.
"Please," she said and started trying to open the door.
She looked between us and the Crank.
"Help me. Please," she begged, hitting the window harder.
Something thumped against the other window and a Crank tried to bite the glass. Alex swore, red sparks flew from his fingers. Shields formed over the windows, preventing them from breaking the windows.
"Okay, Fry we gotta go," Tommy looked between the Cranks on either side.
Fry yelled as another Crank threw itself at his window. Other Cranks gathered at my window. I was very glad I had put it up. The Cranks shrieked and continued trying to get inside.
"Just floor it Fry!" Tommy yelled.
"Just go!" Alex shielded the window as the Crank threw itself forward roughly.
"Hold on!" Frypan yelled and the car lurched forward.
A Crank managed to get itself up onto the front of the vehicle. Fry swerved and Alex let out a string of swear words. The Crank slammed its hand against the window and it cracked. Alex quickly put up a shield over the window.
"I can't see!" Fry yelled and Alex removed part of it.
"Come on, Fry, shake him!" Tommy yelled.
"I'm trying!" Fry wailed. The Crank climbed around to the driver's side window. Alex shielded it as the Crank tried to break it.
"Hold on!" Fry yelled as he swerved closer to a metal beam that stuck out. The Crank was knocked off and I relaxed slightly.
"Frypan, watch out!" Tommy yelled and I realised why a moment later as the wheels on half the car went up a ramp.
The car flipped onto its roof, I hit my head and blinked. I coughed from the dust and heard the others do the same.
"Everyone okay?" Tommy asked.
"My hand," Fry whimpered. My leg throbbed but I ignored it. The engine stopped and the lights flicked off.
"Alex hit his head hard," Tommy reported from the back. "Fry, cover your eyes."
He kicked out a window and crawled out, he half dragged Alex as he came through next. Fry swore again, "My hand. Wait, Thomas!" he tried to open his door, Tommy tried to help but couldn't get it open.
"Fry, go around," Tommy suggested.
"Newt, you good?" Fry asked.
"Yeah," I got the door open just as Tommy came around.
I fell out on the ground and awkwardly stumbled to my feet. Alex came around, leaning on the car and bleeding from his head. He blinked and his eyes wandered around the tunnel.
"Newt you okay?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah, I think so," I coughed. "Alex might have a concussion though."
"I'm fine-that splotch of dirt looks like a butterfly," he squinted at the wall and tried to stand up straight.
I quickly slid his arm over my shoulder.
"Fry? You good?" Tommy asked but was cut off by a Crank screaming.
It came into view out of the shadows, bent over heaving for breath. I fumbled for my gun and then swore. I hadn't loaded it.
"Frypan, we gotta move now," Thomas panicked. Fry crawled back into the car. The Crank stumbled towards us in jerky movements.
"Now!" I yelled.
"Fry, what are you doing? Come on!"
"Hold on!" He yelled. Alex was still staring at the wall. I shook him slightly.
"Alex! Do something! We're gonna die!" I yelled.
"Nonsense, young lizard, it is not our time! We have yet to complete serving the butterfly!" Alex tried to get to the wall but I held him back.
"Frypan, we gotta go!" Thomas yelled.
Frypan pulled out a shotgun and shot it. It dropped dead at our feet.
"Nice shot Fry," Thomas said breathlessly.
"Thanks," Frypan replied.
"We can use it as an offering to the butterfly!" Alex tried to grab it but I dragged him away.
"What?" Fry asked.
"Don't ask," I sighed.
Cranks screeched and we looked back the way we came. More Cranks started coming into view.
"Hey Alex," I said.
"Yes, young lizard?"
I winced, "We're going to go outside so we can meet the butterfly, you coming?"
"Yesssss," he hissed the word.
We started running down the tunnel, a pale blue light of the exit ahead. Frypan shot a couple more Cranks before he started running with us.
"Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa," Tommy threw his arms out to stop us running.
Cranks had appeared in front of us.
We were sandwiched.
"Watch out!" Fry warned and started shooting the ones behind us.
"Okay, this way! This way!" Tommy yelled and Fry shot the other group.
"Alex, these people aren't followers of the butterfly. They want to harm the butterfly, kill them," I encouraged.
Alex's face turned slightly colder and he waved his hand. Dull red shields formed. Not enough to help us.
"Can you heal yourself?" I asked.
"No," he muttered.
"Other way!" Tommy yelled.
The gun clicked as Fry cocked it.
"I'm out!" he yelled despairingly.
Tommy swore loudly. I felt a sudden wave of calm though my heart pounded in my chest. Y/n's face appeared in my mind. I wish I'd have told her.
An engine roared behind us and we turned around. A blue truck slammed through the Cranks and stopped next to us. Brenda popped out of the top of it.
"Guys, get in!" Brenda yelled and started shooting.
Tommy took Alex's other side and helped me get him into the tray of the truck. Frypan scrambled up after us. A Crank snatched his leg, nearly pulling Alex off the back of the truck. I pushed it back, hissing as it scratched my arm. Tommy kicked it in the head and it fell back.
"Go!" Brenda yelled.
Jorge slammed his foot on the break. Frypan climbed over the seat to sit with Thomas in the back. I helped Alex sit down away from the back.

I squinted in the bright light as we left the tunnel. Jorge pushed down the metal covering his window.
"I'm impressed, you guys almost lasted a whole day," Jorge looked at us in the mirror.
"You good?" Tommy asked me.
"Yeah," I replied.
Brenda turned around in her seat to look at us. She shook her head. Tommy scoffed at her expression.
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna bring you guys into this."
Brenda and Jorge shared a look.
"I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us," Fry said.
"You're welcome."
Alex smiled happily, staring out the window. "Butterfly," he said, pointing at a cloud.
It looked nothing like a butterfly.
I listened in on the other's conversation, Jorge was speaking.
"Don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defence. If that was overrun, chances are the city is too."
My eyes settled on something in the distance, "Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the Cranks out."
Jorge looked and pulled over. All of us climbed out.
All except Alex, who had begun wiggling his fingers and staring in amazement at his hands in amazement as red sparks flew off them
"Funny, we spent three years trapped behind walls trying to break out. Now we wanna break back in," I said, studying the tall grey walls that surrounded the skyscrapers of the city. They were all intact, not like the others we'd seen.
"Yeah, it's hilarious," Fry said.
"Jorge, how do we get in?" Tommy asked.
"Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new," Jorge replied.
"Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from up here," Brenda said and turned back to the car. "Let's go!"
The others climbed back in except for Tommy. He walked forward a bit, I moved to stand next to him.
"You really think they're in there?" I asked.
"I guess we'll find out," Tommy said
"You know she's gonna be there too," I said to Tommy.
He turned and looked at me. The engine of the car started and we got back in.
Alex reached over and tapped me on the nose. "Boop."
"Boop," I repeated with a nod.
Alex grinned.
"We should probably find someone to fix Alex," I said, leaning over the back seat. "He's completely out of it."

2100 words

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