Chapter 60-Whispers of Fear

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Warnings: dead bodies, blood, fear, attempted murder, mentions of murder

“We need to get back to the others,” I said and we all started running.
We got to the end of a corridor and a glass window turned into a mirror. I stopped. The Wraith appeared in the mirror. I drew in a sharp breath and my reflection started climbing through the glass, blood dripping on the floor. The glass cracked but in some parts it rippled like water. I could see countless bodies through them.
“Run!” I grabbed Newt and dragged him until he tore his eyes from it and we all raced down the corridors.
“What do you think this Enhanced ability is?” Ember yelled as we ran.
“Lillian, her,” I mumbled aloud to myself.
The answer clicked.
“Fear!” I answered her
“Fear?” Ember yelled back as we turned a corner. She froze. We all stopped running. Ratman and Ember’s brother stood there.
“Ember, it’s not real, your brother is dead,” I reminded her. “Ratman wouldn’t come near us because he’s a big scared baby. I think the Enhanced is feeding on our fears.”
“Why would it do that?” Thomas asked.
“Because all Corrupt have to feed on something.”
“You think this Enhance is Corrupt?” Newt asked and I nodded. “This Enhanced feeds on fear, Élliot feeds on feelings from memories.”
I feed on energy.
“We gotta go,” I grabbed Ember and we started running down a corridor.
There were bodies in this one. Our friends' bodies, I stepped over Minho’s body and forced myself to keep going, I looked back. Newt was right behind me, trusting me fully. Ember was close by but Thomas was staring at them in horror. This was his fear, more of his friends dying. I ran back and pulled him with us. We turned the next corner and came face to face with my brother. The shock wore off quickly and I nearly broke down.
“How could you?” he asked, tears streaming down his face. “How could you kill your own little sister?”
I held in a sob and stayed silent.
“HOW COULD YOU?!” Nikolai screamed at me and a knife left my hand, shattering it.
“Come on, that’s three for me,” I mumbled as we kept running. We finally got back to the Right Arm.
“We gotta go there’s an Enhanced,” I explained out of breath to Vince.
“Enhanced, maybe Corrupt, can make you see what you fear,” I explained slowly. “We gotta go.”
“Pack up now!” Vince ordered. The people sprang into action. I kept watch on the entrances to the room. I checked down the corridor we had come to, it was empty and I turned back around. Looking at the other entrances. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then I was thrown through the top floor window. I hit my head on the glass. Everything went dark as I plummeted.

I woke up half a second later, I saw the ground just below me. I was hovering above it. The broken remains of my metal cuff lay on the ground. I dropped to the ground with a startled gasp. I got to my feet and floated myself back up. I entered through the window. I could hear people screaming but I couldn’t see anything. Darkness smothered everyone. Someone’s fear.
“MAMA!” I heard a girl scream. Even though I had only heard her speak twice I knew it was Aaliyah. I made my way towards her voice and managed to grab her. She struggled.
“Shhh,” I said and pulled her closer.
Someone slammed into me, sending me to the floor. Aaliyah was torn out of my grip. A body pinned me to the ground with their hands wrapped tightly around my neck. I thrashed but couldn’t get loose.
“Murderer,” a voice I didn’t recognise hissed at me. “You murdered my brother.”
The Corrupt. I struggled against the boy who had me pinned. I needed to get him away from Aaliyah. I could hear Vince yelling orders.
The Wraith sent a surge of strength through me and I sent him flying off me. The darkness faded in a blink and I saw the boy hit the ground hard and roll to a stop. I coughed and tried to get to my feet. He lunged and grabbed the closest person to him. Aaliyah. I froze as he held a knife to her throat.
“They don’t know what or who you are. Do they?” the boy asked surprisingly calmly.
“Who was your brother?” I asked.
“Austin,” he hissed at me.
”It was self defence,” I tried to reason with him and also buy time for someone to do something.
“Liar! You murdered him!” he pressed the knife against Aaliyah’s neck and I tensed as she whimpered.
“You know what, I’m feeling generous, let the girl go and let’s fight it out. Just the two of us, no tricks from me,” I suggested.
“No,” he spat out the word. I forced a smirk.
“You know what I’ve done,” I dropped the smirk. “Let the girl go right now.”
“I’ll take you up on your offer, just the two of us,” the boy snapped and roughly threw Aaliyah to the ground.
Darkness once again clouded the room and I quickly ducked and moved aside. I felt him pass me and I lunged at him but he slammed into me and I rolled back across the floor, my breath knocked out of me. I got to my feet and lunged out blindly with my knife. It nicked something and I heard a grunt but I felt him hit me hard in the head. He painfully twisted my arm until I managed to knock him off me with a flash of lightning. He was back attacking me quickly. I felt him grab my throat again and slam me hard against a wall. I cried out and tried to do something but he slammed me against the wall again. I felt myself slipping from my control but I fought back and forced shadows to kill the boy.

Newt POV

The darkness faded abruptly. At Y/n’s feet the broken body of the boy lay. She slowly looked over at us before she sank back against the floor, breathing heavily. Her eyes closed as she leaned her head back against the wall.
A moment later, she awkwardly got to her feet, “We should go.”
Vince started yelling orders but I stared at the body of the boy and then at Y/n as she walked past. Her hands were shaking, both of them covered in blood. She pressed them against her sides, steadying herself and smearing blood over her clothes. She met my eye for a split second as she passed me.
We quickly broke camp and kept moving through the city. By nightfall we were forced to make camp again. We had made it outside of the city. I kept looking back at Y/n. Her hands were free of blood but I couldn’t get the memory of her face out of my head after she had killed the boy. Her face had worn a cold satisfaction. She just looked exhausted now. Occasionally rubbing at her temples like she had a headache. She lagged at the back of the group. After healing her, Alex went back to ignoring her completely. I went to sleep with my dreams haunted by Y/n.

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