Chapter 14-I Win a Staring Contest

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I sat on the ground next to Thomas for a second while I processed what just happened. We both got up and I quickly kicked him in the shin. He yelped but I hurried towards Minho and Alby.

"Good job. You just killed yourself and Y/n," Minho panted in Thomas's direction.

"What?!" Thomas said.

I dropped to my knees next to them and checked Alby's pulse. Relief flooded through me as I felt his strong heartbeat.

"What happened to him?" Thomas asked and I contemplated kicking him again.

"What does it look like? He got stung," Minho snapped.

"What happened to his head?" Thomas asked.

"I did what I had to do," Minho said quietly.

"Okay. Okay, help me get him up," Thomas grabbed Alby's arm.

Minho got up and looked around. I started to grab Alby's other arm.

"We gotta go. The maze is already changing," Minho stated.

"Hey Minho! We can't just leave him here. We gotta get him up. Come on," Thomas encouraged.

"He's right, Min," I said quietly.

Minho gave in and together we started carrying him through the maze. The shrieks of grieves made us tense when they echoed faintly through the corridors. Eventually we got tired and had to sit Alby down.

"This isn't going to work. We gotta go!" Minho grabbed my arm and pulled up.

"Wait, what are you talking about? We gotta hide him," Thomas pleaded.

"Where?" Minho snapped.

"I don't know. Are you telling me there's not a single place we could take him?"

Minho dropped my arm and slammed Thomas against the wall. "Listen to me, shuckface, all right. Take a look around. There's nowhere to go! You don't get it. We're already dead."

"Boys! Enough," I hissed quietly and checked the empty corridors. "Min, we're not already dead. I, for one, feel very alive. We still have a chance to do this. I am going to get back to Newt. We're going to survive this or I'll kill you both. Got it?"

Thomas was looking past me and quickly got up. I looked over my shoulder, there was nothing there.

"What?" I asked him.

"The ivy, we can tie Alby up," Thomas said.

Together we managed to get Alby off the ground and hauled the vines to pull him up. Minho moved suddenly to look around the corridor corner.

"What are you doing?" Thomas whisper-yelled.

"We gotta go. We gotta go now!" Minho hissed.

"No no, just a little more and we'll tie it off," Thomas pleaded. "Minho, stay with us. Just a little more, we're almost there."

"I'm sorry, Greenie," Minho dropped the vine and grabbed me, forcing me to drop the vine and he dragged me around the corner.

"What are you doing?! We can't leave Thomas!" I tried to break free of his grip but he was too strong.

"Sorry, Y/n/n. But I have to get you back to Newt."

At the mention of Newt, I gave in and started running next to Minho. He released my arm and we turned the corner. I tried to push the thought of Newt from my mind but even more fear flooded through me. The task of hiding Alby had distracted me from him. Newt would be worried for me, what if he tried to do something like he did in the maze if I didn't make it?

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