Chapter 83-The Final Countdown

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Title inspired from the song with the same name.

Warnings: bones, arguing, angst, pain, sorta suicidal.

I teleported forward in a flash of black shadows and collided with Newt. I knocked him flat against the train tracks and pinned him down. The Wraith hit me harder than the train ever could.

The Wraith lounged on her throne of bones. She glared down at me.
"One day left," she smirked at me and I felt her hold on me release.

Newt POV
Y/n, went limp on top of me for a moment. I held her tightly as the train rumbled over us. Her eyes were closed, had the effort of teleporting exhausted her?
Y/n jolted awake a second later, eyes flicking around wildly. I held her tightly to stop her trying to sit up. Y/n stopped moving and buried her face between the fluffy collar of my jacket and my neck. Her hair brushed against my face as she trembled. My heart pounded hard enough that she could probably feel it.
The train finished going over the top of us. Y/n lay on top of me for a moment longer. Her breath was hot on my neck, making me shiver. She lifted her head to look at me, I stared right back. Gally and Thomas raced over. Thomas helped Y/n up and off me. Gally helped me up.
"We were never good Runners, were we Newt?" Gally said.
"Well, I've only got one good leg," I replied, wincing in pain.
"You okay?" Thomas asked, putting hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah," I said.
I coughed a little, trying to suppress the coughing fit I felt coming. Y/n watched me carefully, I cleared my throat and looked away. She offered me her water bottle and I took a long sip.
"Thanks," I said and handed it back to her.
She shrugged in response before she turned and started walking back to the tunnel. Gally leant in closer to me.
"She didn't even hesitate to save you," he said quietly.
I knew what he was hinting at but I shook my head and walked past him. Thomas walked quickly to catch up, looking at me worriedly. I fought down the urge to snap at him. The feeling scared me. Y/n tried to climb the ladder but slipped on the first rung. She stood back on the ground for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Y/n?" I asked. "Something wrong?"
She didn't reply. Instead, she tapped her fingers to her thumb one at a time and climbed the ladder. I followed after her and she helped me up. I ended up being very close to her. She was deliberately avoiding looking at me, eyes fixed on Thomas who was climbing the ladder. Her eyes seemed slightly glassy, as if she was trying not to cry. Her lip trembled but she took another breath and helped Thomas up and then Gally. Gally looked at her and then at me. I shook my head and followed Gally as he led us through another tunnel.

Gally opened the door and looked out. People walked past, not noticing us. Y/n moved out of their sight and closed her eyes. A moment later, her face changed shape and her hair changed in length and colour.
Gally opened the door. We slipped out and into the crowd. A voice announced the mandatory curfew over the speakers. I watched as a soldier scanned people waiting in a line.
"Infection checks," Gally told me before I could ask. "All you have to do is sneeze around here and you get kicked out. That's the price of paradise, I guess."
We continued walking through the building. Raised voices caught Y/n's attention and she stopped. I turned and followed her gaze. The Phoenix.

"I've given you everything you've asked for!" the Phoenix snapped at someone I couldn't see. "All you could do is be thankful or treat me like a sister instead of some sort of monster!"
"You murdered my parents!" a younger girl yelled.
I drew in a sharp breath when I saw who it was.
She looked older than she had in the shapeshifter's and Wolf's memories.
The Phoenix raised her hand as if to strike her, and I moved forward. Instinct driving me to protect my sister. Gally caught my arm.
"What are you doing? You'll get us killed," he whispered furiously in my ear.
"That's my sister," I whispered back.
The Phoenix contained her anger and lowered her hands.
"I want to see my brother," Lillian demanded.
"Fine, you can see Nikolai," the Phoenix gave in.
"I want to have more images of Y/n to draw. The more recent the better."
"Fine, but she hasn't been seen much. She's too careful for that."
"Y/n, you can't save her right now. We need a plan," Newt said in my ear and I realised he was right behind me.
I sighed, I knew he was right. Newt grabbed my arm and forced me to start walking. I stared at Lillian, hoping she'd feel my gaze. The Phoenix started talking to some soldier.
Lillian turned and looked at the crowd. Her gaze landed on me, I stared right at her. Surprise darted across her face as she recognised the people with me. I winked at her, a small smile spread across her face. It was gone in an instant, hidden away, so the Phoenix wouldn't know. I turned back around, I felt better than I had in a long time.

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