Chapter 70-At Skyfall

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Title inspired by the song 'Skyfall' by Adele.

Warnings: kidnapping, betrayal, fighting, pain, blood, death, angst, guns and knives

3 weeks later
124 days after his death

We walked through an old city. The blackened ruins of towering skyscrapers littered the cloudless horizon. Leo and Bella dropped behind us to talk about something. I was glad, maybe Leo would finally confess his feelings. Watching them both dance around the topic was exhausting. Élliot slipped his hand into mine after a while. I smiled at him and gently squeezed it.
Bella screamed suddenly, and we whipped around. Leo was on the ground, cradling his head in his hands. The Phoenix smirked and grabbed Bella.
“No!” I screamed and flung lightning at her. They vanished in a crackle of red energy. I ran to Leo’s side and Élliot followed me. Leo’s head slowly rose to meet my eyes. His usual warm brown eyes were gone, replaced by blood red ones. I stopped before I could reach him and grabbed Élliot’s arm. I swore under my breath and watched the Phoenix force Leo to get up.
“Hello, little sister,” Leo’s scarred face formed a smirk.
Movement caught my eye and I noticed people coming towards us. I nudged Élliot and he caught sight of them. He frowned suddenly and started slowly towards them.
“Charlotte?” he called to them.
The girl I assumed was Charlotte stopped walking and looked at us in a way that made me uncomfortable. I ran my eyes over the ruined buildings on either side of us. Movement caught my eye in the broken sections of glass. Was someone inside the building? I looked down at the other end of the street. More people were slowly coming towards us.
“Élliot,” I said, just loud enough for him to hear me. Élliot turned back to look at me. I held out my hand, “Come here.”
Élliot frowned but I gave him a look. He started back towards me.
The girl’s voice rang through the street in a clear order. “Kill them!”
She moved her hand and a chunk of rubble hurtled towards us. I sent Leo flying out of the way and lunged to grab Élliot. I teleported us into the next street and forced him to start running.
“Who’s she?” I asked as we turned down another street.
“Her name’s Charlotte, she rules this city. She’s Corrupt. I used to be friends with her,” Élliot told me.
Charlotte came out from behind a broken-down bus. I swore and grabbed Élliot’s arm to teleport us. Darkness swirled around us and I felt Élliot get ripped from my grip. I tried to shut off the ability but it was too late.
I ended up in some alley. I scrambled to my feet and headed out into the street. People wandered between different stalls. Any one of these people could be working for Charlotte. I started walking in a random direction and kept my head down. It would be crazy to risk casting an illusion now and I needed to find Élliot as soon as possible. I sped up, carefully making my way down the street.
I risked a second of raising my eyes and saw a girl fall out of the glass window, sending fragments hurtling towards me. I ducked and started running in the opposite direction. I wove through the people in the street and threw lightning at her. I teleported again, and this time, I ended up inside a building. I lit my hands with light and took a couple seconds to breathe. The girl moved inside the glass in the reflections. I blew out one of the windows facing the street and swiftly exited the building.
In the street below Élliot was taking on Charlotte. Vines moved to stop the chunks of rubble. I used lightning to destroy a few as I slowed my fall to land on the ground. Thunder rumbled in the now grey sky. I started sending white hot flashes of lightning at her. She quickly formed a shield out of the ruined street.
“So, levitation?” I asked Élliot as I shot a glance over my shoulder and noticed someone else coming down the street.
The Phoenix.
Élliot also noticed. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips swiftly. I blinked in surprise and didn’t get a chance to decide what to do because he broke it.
“I’ll deal with Charlotte,” Élliot flicked his hands towards her.
“Be careful,” I told him, still stunned by the sudden kiss.
Fire burned towards us and I was forced to use my ability to send cold air to combat it. Lightning and fire started racing towards each other. I teleported closer to her and tried to stab her but she vanished and reappeared next to me. I change the direction of the knife and manage to cut a little of her leg. I quickly teleported before she could burn me. She launched more fireballs and I sent metal shrapnel at her. A couple sank into her before she teleported out of the way.
I took the second to check on Élliot. He seemed to be in the situation I was in. Not winning but not losing.
I teleported to avoid a wall of fire and sent shadows creeping towards her. Usually, I avoided controlling shadows because they were unpredictable and easily controlled by the Wraith. I heard Élliot yell in pain and saw he’d been thrown against a wall. The Phoenix seemed to get more powerful. Her fire burned brighter and hotter than before. My leg screamed in pain and I noticed a small fire burning away my clothes there. I decided to retreat strategically. I teleported to Élliot and whirled us away.

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