Chapter 79-The Funeral

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Warnings: dead bodies, blood, angst

Some of the Right Arm came with Bella, Leo and I as we searched for a suitable place to bury them.
We ended up choosing a hill overlooking the sea. Bella insisted on burying them under one of the trees there.
The breeze was cold, carrying off the ocean. Above us, the moon beamed down at us.
I took one of the shovels and started digging. To my surprise, Vince immediately started helping me.
Soon enough, we had two deep rectangular holes. Élliot and Kei watched on, standing nearby.
"Summon them," Bella said quietly, Leo's arm around her waist.
I snapped my fingers and instantly, their bodies were on the ground. Bella let out a sob and turned into Leo.
The blood on them was still wet. Time wasn't a thing wherever they had been. I knelt down and gently shut Élliot's eyes. Kei's were already closed.
Vince squeezed my shoulder, dragging me back to the present. I stood up and began to take off the leather jacket.
"Keep it," Élliot stopped me.
"But it's your favourite?" I protested.
"I said keep it," Élliot said firmly.
I rolled my eyes at him and slid it back on. The warmth was comforting.
With shaky hands, I accessed my ability and lowered them both into the graves.
"Are you going to say something nice about us?" Kei asked, peering into his own grave.
I sighed. "Do you want me to?"
Kei flashed me a grin, "Please do, and make it all sappy and overly kind."
I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.
"Kei was one of the most irritating people I've ever met," I began.
Kei's smile instantly faded.
"But he was also kind and protective and reminded me a little too much of my brother. He was extremely amusing and managed to keep my mind off everything for a while. One of my favourite memories was of when I arrived in Mexico City for the second time. He challenged me to a battle in the dining room and I threw him out the tenth story window."
Kei made a face at me.
"He was our best friend," Leo said slowly. "I remember the day I met him so clearly. There was a dust storm, so I took shelter in a building. I wasn't aware there were Cranks in there until one managed to get close enough to scratch my face," Leo absentmindedly touched the scars. "Kei came out of nowhere and saved me. I don't remember much of it, but he managed to get me to a healer in time. I remember waking up and seeing him just sitting there. We became best friends rather quickly after that."
Silence fell over us. I took a deep breath before looking at the other person.
Élliot stared right back at me.
"Élliot was..." I trailed off, trying to think of a word. "A lot of things. He was a caring king who looked after the Corrupt of Mexico City. He was a best friend to us."
I paused for a moment.
"He saw the future and could easily have steered clear of me but he didn't. Instead, he chose to find me and be there for me. And it's what got him killed. He was everything to me."
I started using my abilities to fill in the graves. Once it was done, I took another deep breath.
People started leaving to give us some space.
Newt came up to me. "I'm sorry, Y/n."
I nodded, awkward because of the earlier incident. He left with the others. Bella pulled Leo with her, leaving me alone with the ghosts.
"I was 'everything' to you?" Élliot asked, coming up to me.
"Oh, shut up."

Vince showed me where I could sleep, some large room in the shed. I was near my old friends, who whispered amongst themselves. They looked up as we came closer.
Vince gave me a blanket and left to do something. Ember glared at me from her spot next to Newt. Leo and Bella were a short distance from them, Bella was already asleep, Leo held her. I laid down next to them and rolled on my side.
I already had a plan.

Aaliyah came over an hour later and slipped into my arms. I waited until two or so hours later until everyone was asleep. Then, I snuck out into the night.

750 words

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