Chapter 69-"Mon coeur est à toi"

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Warnings: awkwardness, mentions of murder, kinda angst

We stopped in the middle of nowhere for the night. After dinner, Élliot offered to take the first watch. The rest of us were too tired to argue with that.
Élliot leaned back against a rock, his head resting as he looked up at the stars. He looked so peaceful, the breeze gently lifting his hair. Somehow, his hair seemed darker than the night sky itself.
He flicked his eyes down and caught my eye. The corner of his mouth pulled into a smirk.
I made a face at him and rolled on my back. The stars stared down at me. The nostalgia that hit me was enough to nearly make me sick. Instead of facing the past, I rolled back on my side and found Élliot watching me.
He gestured for me to go to him. I did, slowly sinking down to my knees at his side. In a quick movement, Élliot pulled me onto his lap. His arms immediately slid around me, trapping me there.
“Sleep,” he whispered in my ear.
I leaned against him, burying my face in his neck.

101 days after his death

I woke up completely tangled in him. Sometime during the night, he had moved to lay on the ground. Our legs were tangled together and his arms held me impossibly close to him. I slowly lifted my head slightly from where it was pressed against his chest and looked at his face.
Élliot was still asleep, his head angled down from where it had been protectively over mine.
Someone snickered quietly and I turned my head to glare at Bella. She looked away, attempting to look innocent.
I sighed and turned back around so I was more comfortable.
Élliot shifted, his head burying itself in my hair. My eyes widened slightly in panic. I really needed to figure out how I felt about him.
Ever so slowly, I started to untangle myself from him. I started with my legs and lifted my leg—which was on the very top—off him. The next leg was going to be harder to get out, considering it was under one of his. I started wiggling it, trying to pull it out.
Élliot stirred, making me freeze. His lips brushed my forehead as he settled down again.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he murmured.
I looked up, finding his sky blue eyes open.
He smirked and kissed my forehead again before letting me go.
I slowly got up and stretched, trying to cover up that I was still affected by that.

“So, what exactly is the plan?” Bella asked as we walked across the dry landscape.
“I want to go after the Wolf and kill him,” I said.
Bella blinked at my bluntness but nodded anyway.
“And I want to rescue my friend, Minho,” I added, making a mental to-do list.
I felt rather guilty that I hadn’t rescued him yet. It’d been months since he had been taken.
“And then?” Bella asked.
“Give the Wolf’s head to the Phoenix, kill her and beat Wicked to pulp.”
Bella nodded along.
“What happens after all this is over?” Leo asked.
I die.
I shrugged, “Haven’t really thought about that.”
“Would you want to go back to Mexico City?” Élliot asked, glancing at me.
I nodded, allowing myself to think of what could have been for just a minute.“That would be nice.”
“Or we could find a place away from everything,” Élliot offered, looking into the distance. “Get away from everything and live peacefully.”
“What about Mexico City?” I asked.
Élliot looked back at me and took my hand, “I’d rather be with you. Besides, I can leave someone else in charge.”
I smiled shyly at him, looking away. For a moment, I allowed myself to daydream of that. I imagined us living somewhere near the beach. We would go swimming and spend hours there in the ocean with each other. I imagined slowly falling in love with him as I healed from the grief.
“Are we in this future? Or is it just you two?” Bella asked, nudging me out of my fantasties.
“Of course you are,” Élliot said immediately. “You’re family, Kei, as well.”
“Aw,” Bella said, “That was nice of you.”

We stopped for the night again. A cold breeze had picked up, leaving me shivering. I summoned Élliot’s leather jacket, which I had kept. Élliot looked mildly surprised as I slipped it on.
“So that’s where that went,” Bella said loudly. “You told me you lost it and I thought, ‘It’s his favourite. Why would he be so careless and lose it?’”
“Shut up,” Élliot grumbled.
“Do you want it back?” I asked, tugging it closer to combat the cold.
“No,” Élliot replied, “It looks good on you.”
Bella snickered at that.

I decided to cuddle with Élliot again that night, even though it might create an awkward situation.
“Mon coeur est à toi,” he whispered in my ear.
“What does that mean?” I asked, opening my eyes and peering up at him.
He blushed in the firelight, “I thought you were asleep.”
“What does it mean?” I pressed, poking him lightly in the stomach.
Élliot sighed, his hand sliding up my back and into my hair. I was almost asleep by the time he next spoke.
“My heart is yours.”

900 words

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