Chapter 88-The Chimes of the Bell

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Warnings: fighting, pain, arguing, blood, killing, death

Moments later

A rocket slammed into the Wicked building, the Phoenix stopped and stared. She shot a glance at me and then teleported towards it. I did the same. She rushed into it, and I followed her. Where was she going? She teleported again and I lost track of where she was.
I noticed a body on the floor, blonde hair spilled around her head as blood ran onto the floor. Ava Paige. Her glassy eyes stared at me blankly. That was one less villain to worry about.
I levitated myself up, passing the floors. The building was empty and starting to burn. I caught a glimpse of raven hair. I landed on that floor and started running. Teresa half carried a boy, Thomas.
Ratman appeared in front of them, a gun pointed at them. Teresa stumbled to a stop. Ratman smirked and went to pull the trigger. My knife left my hand and went into his head with a thud. His body went limp on the floor. Teresa stared at me as I put myself on Thomas’s other side. He said something unintelligible, blood dripped from his stomach.
“Where is she!?” a voice screamed from behind us. The Phoenix.
“Where’s who?” I asked, this time actually not knowing who she was talking about.
“Don’t play dumb!” the Phoenix came closer, “Where’s Celia?”
“Who’s Celia?” I frowned and looked at Teresa. She just stared at me.
“Where is she?” the Phoenix demanded.
“I don’t even know who that is! I swear on Mum and Dad’s deaths.”
The Phoenix paused, “Celia is my daughter. Where is she?”
“Haven’t seen her since yesterday when we came for a look at Wicked. Someone probably took her with them when they evacuated.”
“Liar!” the Phoenix whipped fire towards us.
I sent a gust of wind to hold it back. Teresa opened the staircase door, fire roared on the lower floor. We started getting Thomas up the stairs. We got up to the roof, which wasn’t much of an improvement. Flames licked at the side of it, already burning some parts of the roof.
The Phoenix appeared in front of us. I ran from Thomas’s side. Shadows are already surging to attack her. Fire and darkness collided, shadows swallowing the firelight. The Phoenix managed to get the upper hand and knocked me to the ground. My arm screamed and I saw that part of it was burnt, near my shoulder. I put the flames out and started struggling to my feet. She didn’t let me, she kicked me back. I coughed up blood and struggled for air.
“Y/n, get up,” Élliot said, kneeling next to me.
“Where’d you get the name?” I asked, trying to buy time.
“What?” the Phoenix demanded.
“Celia? Where’d you get the name?”
“It was James’s mothers name,” the Phoenix said finally. “Hardly matters though, I’m about to kill you. That’s the question you ask?”
“I don’t know where she is,” I said.
The Phoenix didn’t answer, I knew she believed me. Teresa threw herself at the Phoenix, distracting her so I’d have a chance to get up. I scrambled to my feet. The Phoenix flung her off the building, I screamed out and tried to help her. The Phoenix attacked me, preventing me from saving her. Thomas yelled something and tried to get up. I was roughly thrown back, hitting my head hard. I crawled and put myself between her and Thomas.
“I’m so sorry, Thomas,” I panted.
“Not your fault,” he managed.
I forced myself to my feet and lunged at her in a desperate attack. She flung me aside and started for Thomas. I teleported in front of her and drove a knife up and under her ribs. She stopped, surprise covering her face, we both looked down at where I’d stabbed her. I twisted it and pushed her back. She fell and stared up at the smokey sky lit up by the burning city. I made my way over and knelt next to her. She fought for breath as she bled out. Our parents appeared next to us.
“Y/n/n,” she coughed out, trembling from pain and blood loss.
“Coralie,” I said.
“You wi-win the-then.”
“Of course.”
“Ta-take c-care of h-her,” she stared at me. “O-of Ce-Celia.”
“I will,” I promised.
Coralie went limp, her last breath leaving her. Her eyes stared at the sky up above. I shut her eyes gently.
Somewhere in the distance, a bell tolled. Everything in me went still. It tolled again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.

800 words

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